Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Abducted boxer Sojaman admitted in hospital, narrates torture ordeal

Boxer Robert Mukasa alias Sojaman is nursing serious injuries at Lincoln clinic in Bwaise after being tortured by his abductors.

Unidentified people allegedly kidnapped the boxer from Bugalani Zone, Bwaise III in Kawempe Division on Tuesday night last week when his coach Zebra Ssenyange was gunned down by security operatives.

Mukasa, who has been the manager of Zebra Boxing Club, was allegedly kidnapped by people dressed in police and military uniform. They blindfolded him and drove off with him to an unknown place where he was severally tortured.    

News circulated fast on social media that Mukasa had been killed and his body dumped near Bombo military barracks in Luwero district. However, the Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigire dispelled the rumours, saying police had visited the area and didn't find anybody as claimed.

Mukasa narrated on his sickbed at Lincoln clinic that he was abducted around midnight by heavily armed masked people. He says his abductors interrogated him about his activities with his colleague, Zebra and why they wanted to meet President Yoweri Museveni.      

"After hearing rounds of gunshots in the neighbourhood, I heard people knocking on my door and calling my name. I thought they were neighbours and when I opened they asked me to raise my hands up. They handcuffed and blindfolded me and drove me off. I can't tell where they took me that night. But when we reached they started beating me while asking me things I did not know [about]," said Mukasa.   

According to Mukasa, his tormentors questioned him to tell them what he and Zebra were planning to do during the elections.   Later, Mukasa says his tormentors drove him up to Kireka along the Northern bypass and told him that he had no case to answer and handed him Shs 10,000 to return home.

Junior Ssenyange says Mukasa was helped by good Samaritans to reach the hospital where they received information that he was still alive. According to Ssenyange, they had lost hope following several reports indicating that Mukasa had been killed near Bombo military barracks. 

"We went to Kawempe police station after receiving information that Mukasa was dead. Everyone started crying we're in still mourning the death of Zebra, we thank God he is still alive even if he was tortured," said Ssenyange. He has called for justice for Mukasa and his friend Zebra who was shot dead. 

Over the weekend the Uganda boxing Federation demanded answers on the continued arrests and torture of boxers in the country. The federation president, Moses Muhangi says that more than 4 boxers are missing.

In his latest televised address, President Museveni apologized for Ssenyange's death, saying he was killed by the government's security forces. He promised to investigate the matter and furnish the deceased's family with the findings from his investigations. 

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