Saturday, October 31, 2020

Cheptegei in a Sipi falls off season affair

By Julius Senyimba Ugandan long-distance runner, Joshua Cheptegei had a fruitful 2020 season, breaking a couple of world records on the track. Being human, the achievements did tax his body and now, it is time to relax for it to fully recover. The golden boy who hates living large and partying till morning opted for […]

Jjengo tolwana ntalo za kitaawo - Bugembe

Jjengo tolwana ntalo za kitaawo - Bugembe

Omusumba w'Ekkanisa ya Worship House e Nansana akubirizza Omusumba w'Ekkanisa ya Revival Christian Church Kawaala, Andrew Jjengo eyadidde Yiga mu bigere okwewala okulwana entalo za kitaawe z'abadde nazo wabula atandike essuula empya.

Pasita Bugembe era asabye abagoberezi mu kkanisa ya Revival e Kawaala ne Bannayuganda bonna okusonyiwa Omusumba Ssennyonga kubanga tewali atasobya. Yabadde Kawaala mu kuziika omugenzi Pasita Yiga.


Abaabadde bakola effujjo mu kuziika Yiga babayodde

Abaabadde bakola effujjo mu kuziika Yiga babayodde

Abavubuka abaagenze mu kuziika omugenzi Pasita Yiga Abizzaayo e Kawaala ku Lwomukaaga kyokka ne badda okunoonyeza amabugo mu nsawo za bannaabwe ensi ebaddugalidde.

Abavubuka abagambibwa okukola effujjo nga batwalibwa.

Abakuumaddembe babakutte ne babasika empale ne babakunguzza okubatwala ku poliisi ne babaggalira. Kigambibwa abamu baabadde bakwata abakungubazi mu nsawo mbu nga banoonya amabugo ate abalala nga banyakula ssimu.

Omuserikale ng'akutte omuvubuka.

Abantu olwabeekengedde kwe kutemya ku poliisi eyayingiddewo n'ebakwata. Abamu baabatutte bawoloma nga bawoza nti si babbi babalanga bwemage. Bya Lawrence Mukasa.

Abantu ab'ettima basaayidde omutuuze olusuku

Abantu ab'ettima basaayidde omutuuze olusuku

ABANTU ab'ettima abatannaba kutegeerekeka bakakkanye ku lusuku lw'omutuuze Jane Namakula 45, ow'e Kyassenya oluwezaako yiika emu ne balusaawa.

Kino abatuuze baakitadde ku bigambibwa nti waliwo ababadde bamulumiriza okuba omulogo n'omutemu ku byalo Lwayebere gyasula.

Abatuuze mu lusuku olwasaayiddwa.

    Ssentebe w'ekyalo kino, Peter Ssennyimba yategeezeza ng'ensonga z'omukyala ono abatuuze gwe balumiriza okubakolako obulogo bwe yaziwulirako wabula n'asaba gavumenti esitukiremu basalemu ekyalo kino kuba kisusse obunene nga n'ekikolwa ekyakoleddwa yaluddewo okukitegeera.

    Ye akulira ebyokwerinda mu ggombolola y'e Lwengo Javiira Matovu ategeezeza ng'ensonga z'omukyala ono bwe babadde bagenda okuzituulamu n'abakulu abamusingako kubanga obulogo n'ettemu bye bamulumiriza bibadde bimususseeko. Yasabye abatuuze okukomya okutwalira amateeka mu ngalo.

Balumbye Mayinja okuyingiza Bobi mu luyimba lwa Museveni

Abantu abenjawulo balumbye Ronald Mayinja okuyimba ng'awaana Museveni kyokka
n'ayingizaamu Bobi Wine mu ngeri gye baayise emulengezza bwe yamuyise omudongo.

Mayinja yakubye oluyimba olunoonyeza Museveni akalulu lwe yatuumye ‘Mzee akalulu'. Mu luyimba agamba nti Museveni alwanye entalo z'amagye n'emmundu n'aziwangula ate luno olw'akalulu ka 2021 ng'amuvuganya Mudongo!

Oluyimba lumussa mu kattu kubanga abadde yeeraga ng'omuwagizi wa Bobi Wine
kyokka nga waliwo abamulumiriza nti ali mu nkambi ya Museveni, ku ludda oluvuganya agendayo nga mbega.

Aludde nga bakimuteekako nti yalya ssente za NRM. Kyokka okubiwakanya yagenze ewa Bobi Wine nga August 6, n'asaba ekisonyiwo nti talyanga ku ssente.

Kyokka n'asazaamu okwesimbawo e Gomba ku kkaadi ya NUP. Bobi yamusiibuza ebigambo: "Oba weetonze kirungi naye si ffe tulaba emitima gy'abantu. Tubalabira ku bikolwa byabwe, ffe katukulinde''.

Ssenyonyi Ne Ssegirinya

Kyasooka kutegeezebwa mu 2019 nti Mayinja yaweereddwa akawumbi n'emmotoka awagire NRM alekere Kalule Sengo ekifo kya Gomba East kye yali ayagala okwesimbirako ku kkaadi ya NUP. Wabula Mayinja yabiwakanya nti "bwe mba nnina ke nnali ndidde, obudde buliyogera ekituufu."

Mu luyimba, Mayinja yawaanye ebirungi Museveni by'akoze nga yeetaaga asigalewo mu kulonda kwa 2021 abinyweze ate n'alumba abamwesimbyeko nti tebalina bye
bakoze. "Museveni olaba osobola magye naye bano abadongo," bye bimu ku bigambo ebiri mu luyimba.

Aba NUP bamutabukidde Joel Ssenyonyi omwogezi wa NUP yagambye nti twasalawo
obutawa budde nsonga zitalina makulu. Ne Mayinja tusazeewo tumwesonyiwe, amaanyi tugateeke ku kusiguukulula Museveni mu buyinza.

Muhammad Ssegirinya: Mayinja atukoze bubi nnyo. Nsoose ne mpuliriza oluyimba omulundi ogusoose ne nneebuuza oba ddala eddoboozi lino lya Mayinja oba
lya muntu mulala.

Kansuubire nti oluyimba luno tebaamukase kuluyimba oba yabadde tatamidde kubanga Mayinja eyajja ku NUP ne yeetonda n'asaba ekisonyiwo, yeetaaga kusabira. Kazibwe Kapo eyawerekera Mayinja ng'agenze okwetonda ewa Bobi: Mayinja yankakasa okugenda mu NUP yali akomyewo eka, takyaddamu kwekyusa nange kwe kukkiriza okumuwerekera naye bw'aba nga ddala bwatyo bw'asazeewo nze kansirike naye muganda wange oyo atomedde.

Mayinja yategeezezza Bukedde nti ye muyimbi eyasasuddwa okukuba akalango ka Museveni. Kyokka teyayogedde ssente zaamusasuddwa. N'agamba nti, "oba n'aba NUP oba omuntu yenna ayagala, naye ansasule nja kumukubira akalango."

Catherine Kusasira yagambye nti, "nze nnabagamba nti oyo Mayinja aba NUP abalimba
nga mulowooza nsaaga. Kirungi okusiima aliko by'akuwadde.

Mayinja ky'akoze kwe kusiima muzeeyi. Bangi abalya ne badda mu kwebuzaabuza, abalala tebaagala kuvaayo mu lwatu. Mayinja musanyukiddeko era abalaze nti Museveni y'asinga. Mulinde n'abalala aba NUP bajja."

Poliisi eraze enguudo ezigenda okusibwa nga abaagala obwapulezidenti beewandiisa

Poliisi eraze enguudo ezigenda okusibwa nga abaagala obwapulezidenti beewandiisa

PULOGULAMU ya poliisi gye yafulumizza okulungamya eby'entambula ku luguudo lwa Jinja Road ng'abeegwanyiza obwapulezidenti beewandiisa eyombezza ab'ebidduka.

Ku Lwokutaano, omuduumizi wa poliisi y'ebidduka mu Kampala n'emiriraano Norman Musinga yafulumizza pulaani ku ngeri gye bagenda okulung'amya ebyentambula mwe yalagidde mmotoka eziva ku lw'e Jinja nga zirina kukoma Kireka zinoonye amakubo amalala mwe ziyitira ate eziva e Kampala nga zidda Jinja nazo zikoma ku Spear Motors e Nakawa.

Okusiba enguudo kuyinza okuleeta jjaamu ng'ono.

Musinga yagambye nti, mmotoka bagenda kuzisalirako mu bifo bitaano okuli Spear Motors ku ziva e Kampala okudda ku lw'e Jinja ziyite ku lw'e Ntinda oba Kinawattaka. Awalala we bagenda okusalirako kuliko Banda, Kireka, Kigobe Road okuliraana akakiiko ekitebe kya National Council for Higher Education ne ku Jokas Hotel e Namboole ku zinaaba ziva ku ludda lw'e Namanve.

Abava e Kampala nga badda ku lw'e Jinja baabawadde amagezi okukozesa enguudo okuli Old Port bell Road, Spring Road oluva e Kireka okugatta ku Kinawattaka olwo bagwe ku lw'e Jinja nga bafubutukirayo e Bweyogerere. Abalala babawadde amagezi okukozesa New Port bell Road oluyita e Nakawa bagwe ku Chwa II Road, bagwe ku lw'e Kinawattaka bagukkire ku Jokas Hotel e Namboole bayitemu okutuuka e Bweyogerere olwo beegatte ku lw'e Jinja.

Oluguudo olulala lwe bayinza okukozesa poliisi yabawabudde bayite ku New Port bell Road bagwe ku Ismail Road oba bayite ku ky'e Kireka okutuuka e Kinawattaka bafubutukireyo e Bweyogerere. Musinga yagambye nti, ekisaawe ky'e Kyambogo tekigenda kukkirizibwako muntu yenna ataaweereddwa lukusa kuva mu kakiiko ka byakulonda. Yagambye nti, bajja kukkirizaayo beesimbyewo n'ababawerekeddeko akakiiko k'ebyokulonda be kawadde olukusa.

 Abagenyi abayite Musinga yagambye nti, bajja kutuuka ku kisaawe nga bayita ku Kyambogo Road bakozese ggeeti ya yunivasite ey'obugwanjuba. Mmotoka zonna ez'ebitongole ebidduukirira abagudde ku bibamba ebigwa tebiraze omuli ez'omuliro, ambulensi n'ez'abasawo zijja kuyita Banda era ggeeti y'e Banda gwe gujja okuba omulyango oguzifulumya.

Abanaaba bamaze okwewandiisa, poliisi yategeezezza nti, bajja kufulumira mu ggeeti eriraanye ettendekero ly'abayinginiya mu yunivasite bagwe ku Kigobe Road beeyongereyo. Loole, tezigenda kukkirizibwa ku lw'e Jinja. Ezinaaba ziva ku lw'e Jinja baagambye nti, zijja kuwetera Namboole ziyite ku Northern Bypass ate eziva ku ludda lwa Masaka ne Mityana, zijja kuwetera Busega nazo ziyite ku Northern Bypass.

Abeesimbyewo bonna baalagiddwa obuteetantala kuyingira mu kibuga wakati oluvannyuma lw'okwewandiisa era baabaganye okuyisa ebivvulu ku nguudo. Poliisi yagaanyi okusimba ku nguudo Musinga n'ategeeza nti, mmotoka yonna enaasangibwa ng'esimbiddwa ku kkubo, ejja kusikibwa etwalibwe ku poliisi eri okumpi.

Abantu abasula okumpi ne Kyambogo bakkiriziddwa okufuluma okugenda ku mirimu gyabwe kyokka balina kudda ng'okwewandiisa kuwedde. Musinga yagambye nti, okusalako amakubo kujja kutandika ku ssaawa 11 ez'oku makya ku Mmande gaggulwe ng'okwewandiisa kuwedde ku Lwokubiri olweggulo n'agattako nti, amakubo abagenda okwewandiisa mwe banaayita, gajja kubaamu abaserikale ba poliisi y'ebidduka n'ebitongole by'Ebyokwerinda ebirala.

Bodaboda nazo baalagidde obutasukka we banaaba basaliddeko makubo. Pulaani eno, abavuzi b'ebidduka abakozesa Jinja Road baagiwakanyizza ne bagamba nti, akakiiko k'eby'okulonda kandibadde kafuna awalala we kawandiisiza abeesimbyewo okusinga Jinja Road. "Ekkubo funda era okuliyitako mu nnaku ez'abulijjo lutalo kati okusindika mmotoka zonna e Kinawattaka oba oyagadde kusuza bantu mu kkubo," Meddie Lubega omuvuzi wa takisi bwe yategeezezza.

Ssentebe w'ekibiina ekigatta abavuzi ba takisi ekya UTRADA, Mustapha Mayambala yagambye nti, tewagenda kubawo kukola ennaku bbiri poliisi bw'eba tevuddeeyo mangu kubaako ky'ekola. Yagambye nti, okusindika mmotoka zonna e Kinawattaka ekkubo ligenda kukwata mmotoka zibeere mu kalippagano olunaku lwonna.

"Poliisi yeetaaga n'eyanguwa mangu amakubo agamu n'egafuula ‘one way' nga gayisa mmotoka ziva ku ludda lumu naye bw'etakola ekyo, abantu bajja kusula mu kkubo," Mayambala bwe yagambye. Yayongeddeko nti, n'ebisale by'entambula bigenda kulinnya kubanga bajja kuba tebasobola kutambuza bantu bawera.

Bazirise nga batuusa omulambo gwa Yiga e Kawaala

Bazirise nga batuusa omulambo gwa Yiga e Kawaala

EBIWOOBE n'emiranga byabuutikidde ekkanisa ya Revival Church e Kawaala ng'omulambo gw'abadde agisumba, Pasita Augustine Yiga Mbizzaayo gutuusibwa. Olugendo olusiibula Pasita Yiga lwatandise ssaawa 1:30 ey'oku makya ku Lwomukaaga. Lwatandikidde Mmengo aba kkampuni ya A -Plus gye baggye omulambo gwe mu luseregende lw'emmotoka okugutuusa ku kkanisa ye e Kawaala.

Abantu nga bayamba omukazi eyazirise.

Gwayingiziddwa mu kkanisa ku ssaawa 2:40 era obwedda abantu bayaayaana waakiri okutuuka ku kkeesi bakwateko ate ng'abalala baagala kulabako okukakasa oba ddala omusumba waabwe y'alimu kyokka bakanyama ba UUBA abaabadde bateekeddwa ebbali n'ebbali w'olukuubo omwayisiddwa omulambo nga babalemesa.

Abakyala be baabadde basinga mu kkanisa nga bakira bakuba emiranga n'okwogerera waggulu nti taata, musumba, kitaffe, taata waffe, kabona, otulekedde ani? Era wakati mu miranga abamu baazirise ne bayolebwayoolebwa n'okuwujjibwa. Omulambo nga bagutuusizza we gwabadde gulina okuteekebwa, bamulekwa ne bannamwandu be baatudde okumpi ne kkeesi erudda n'erudda, wamu n'abooluganda n'abamu ku bakadde b'ekkanisa.

Abakazi nga batema emiranga.

Omuyimbi Hassan Ndugga ye yasoose okuyitibwa n'ayimba oluyimba olusiibula Yiga lwe yamukubidde kyokka luno lwayongedde kusaanuula bakungubazi olwo emiranga egyabadde gisiriikiridde ne giddamu buto era ne Ndugga eyasoose okuba omugumu naye yatulise n'akaaba.

Hassan Ndugga yayimbye amaziga gamuyitamu.

Oluvannyuma waabaddewo okwogera okuva mu basumba ab'enjawulo okwabadde omusumba James Kyakuwaza ng'ono yayogedde ku Yiga ng'abadde omusajja omulwanyi ebbanga ly'amulabidde. Obwedda bino bigenda mu maaso nga buli mwogezi amaliriza okwogera nga kkwaaya ekubawo oluyimba. Yiga aziikiddwa leero e Kawaala.


Incumbent Magufuli wins Tanzania presidential election by 84%

Tanzania's populist President John Magufuli has been declared the overwhelming winner of a second term amid allegations of widespread election fraud, while the ruling party won enough seats in parliament to change the constitution.

The national electoral commission late Friday said Magufuli received 12.5 million votes, or 84%, while top opposition candidate Tundu Lissu received 1.9 million, or 13%. Turnout was roughly 50%, with 14.8 million people voting after 29 million registered.

The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party won parliament seats in 253 of the 261 constituencies announced so far, achieving upsets in opposition strongholds by wide margins. Some in the ruling party had called for the presidency's two-term limit to be extended if enough parliament seats could be secured.

Lissu has rejected the vote while alleging "widespread irregularities" and called for peaceful demonstrations. The opposition asserts that thousands of observers were turned away from polling stations on Wednesday, and that at least a dozen people were killed on the eve of the vote in the semi-autonomous region of Zanzibar. Internet and text-messaging services slowed dramatically or disappeared.

But electoral commission chair, Semistocles Kaijage, asserted in late Friday's announcement that all the votes were legitimate. Large crowds of ruling party supporters who had gathered to watch the election results were celebrating in the streets. There was no immediate comment by the president.

The two main opposition parties, Lissu's CHADEMA and ACT Wazalendo, planned to hold a joint press conference on Saturday, a spokesman said.

The United States has said that "irregularities and the overwhelming margins of victory raise serious doubts about the credibility of the results announced."

Few international election observers were present, unlike in past years. The vote "marked the most significant backsliding in Tanzania's democratic credentials," Tanzania Elections Watch, a group of regional experts, said in an assessment released Friday. It noted a heavy deployment of military and police whose conduct created a "climate of fear."

"The electoral process, so far, falls way below the acceptable international standards" for holding free and fair elections, the group said.

The opposition alleges widespread irregularities including double-voting and ballot box-seizing by security forces or other authorities.

The East African nation is one of Africa's most populous countries and fastest-growing economies. Magufuli has pointed to the country's achievement of lower-middle-income status as one reason he deserves another term.

But observers say Tanzania's reputation for democratic ideals is crumbling, with Magufuli accused of severely stifling dissenting voices in his first five-year term. Opposition political gatherings were banned in 2016, the year after he took office. Media outlets have been targeted. Some candidates were arrested, blocked from campaigning or disqualified ahead of the vote.

Concerns of post-election violence linger. The ACT Wazalendo presidential candidate in Zanzibar was arrested on Thursday for the second time this week before being released. Another ACT Wazalendo official there, Ismail Jussa, was badly beaten by soldiers and hospitalized, the party said.


Friday, October 30, 2020

Ssennyonga musajja wa buggya nnyo atalina muntu yenna gw'ayagaliza kalungi konna - Bro Ronnie

Ssennyonga musajja wa buggya nnyo atalina muntu yenna gw'ayagaliza kalungi konna - Bro Ronnie

Bamukubidde enduulu ey'oluleekereke nga bamwaniriza ku kkanisa yaabwe e Kawaala.

Ye Mutabani wa Yiga Andrew Jengo bwe yabadde ayogera eri endiga za kitaawe, yagambye nti ekkanisa yaabwe efunye amaannyi agenjawulo okuva lwe bakyazizza Bro. Ronnie.

Yagambye nti wadde akaseera ke balimu kaakukungubaga, nti naye okufa kwa kitaawe ate kuleese omukisa gwa musajja wa Katonda gw'aludde nga yeegomba olw'ebyamagero by'aludde ng'awulira nti akolera abantu abenjawulo.

Bwe yabadde ayogera eri abakungubazi, Bro. Ronnie yabakubirizza obutaba na mutima gwa bujja ng'abamu ku basumba b'abalokole.

Makabai yagambye nti kya nnaku nnyo okulaba nga abantu Paasita Ssenyonga batuuka okwefuula abalamuzi ba Katonda ne basalira Yiga omusango.

Yagambye nti obuzibu bwa Ssennyonga musajja wa buggya nnyo atalina muntu yenna gw'ayagaliza kalungi konna.

Yasuubizza okukwatirako Jengo mutabani wa Yiga okulaba ng'ekkanisa egenda mu maaso

Govt links Shs 57bn COVID relief cash project to Bobi Wine, angry donors pull out

A $15m (Shs 57bn) COVID-19 relief cash handout kitty rolled out earlier this year for Uganda's poor, has come to an abrupt and disappointing end after the international donors USA and UK pulled out.

The project was funded by both US and UK under USAID and UK Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office formerly DFID. The Observer has learnt from reliable sources that President Yoweri Museveni directly ordered the suspension of the GiveDirectly project after intelligence reports claimed the project was being used as an avenue to bring into the country, huge sums of money to fund opposition activities particularly Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine's attempt at the presidency in the 2021 general elections.

The allegedly 'angry' donors pulled out due to Uganda government's apparent "reluctance" and opposition to the project - with several engagements failing to bear any fruit. Cabinet, this week extended the project's suspension issued on September 9, 2020, by a further 2 months to continue with the investigations into the American international NGO.

Initially, GiveDirectly which has been operational in the country since 2013 providing direct cash handouts to needy Ugandans, was accused by the National Bureau for NGOs of rolling out a cash handout project which was making Ugandans "lazy". The NGOs Bureau also said the cash handout would promote idleness, domestic violence, dependency syndrome and tension within neighbouring villages as well as casting doubt over the source of GiveDirectly's cash. Interestingly, the same government through ministries of Local Government, Finance and Kampala and Metropolitan Affairs approved the project earlier in April this year. 

In a statement, the US Embassy says it is pulling out of the project because it's unlikely that the program will meet its original objective following the indefinite suspension. The goal of this program was to follow international precedent for economic stimulus by providing cash directly to individuals and families who need it most, the embassy said.  

"Specifically, the program intended to support Ugandans who lost livelihoods as a result of COVID-19, who were at risk of food insecurity and faced serious reductions in household nutrition. The cash transfers were designed to support local markets by providing 120,000 Ugandans across six cities Shs 100,000 each month for three months. By September, 47,128 Ugandans were enrolled in the program."

Adding: "GiveDirectly addressed the NGO Bureau's questions, and no irregularities in the cash transfer program or GiveDirectly's operations were identified. The program has still not been authorized to resume, and no assurances have been provided that authorization by the government is forthcoming. In light of this indefinite suspension, it is now unlikely that the program will meet its original objective, which was to prevent COVID related economic backsliding of the most vulnerable Ugandans. Therefore, we are obligated contractually to terminate the program permanently."

Before its suspension earlier in September, each beneficiary was entitled to between Shs 100,000 and Shs 200,000 per month for three months. At least 190,000 beneficiaries were targeted and at the time of the suspension, 48,000 individuals had been enrolled while 22,000 had already received at least the first batch of their monthly Shs 100,000 cash handout. Lira had 40,000 enrollees, Mbale, 29,000, Gulu 16,000, Moroto, 5,000, Mbarara 38,000, Kabale 10,000.

Further at stake are the 40 employees of GiveDirectly who were in charge of the project whose contracts are to also be terminated and another 60 employees on other projects because the unhappy donors are also threatening to also pull out of the other $12 million projects since reportedly, the Ugandan government is not appreciating their efforts.

The US Embassy said in a statement that since the COVID-19 outbreak, it has provided technical assistance and over $47 million (including $10 million direct cash) to help Uganda meet the urgent needs of its COVID-19 response. It said the goal of the project was to follow international precedent for economic stimulus of providing cash directly to individuals and families that need it most. 

GiveDirectly country director Michael Kayemba insists they complied with all available existing laws in the country and all the necessary documentation asked by the NGO Bureau was provided. Kayemba also dismissed intelligence allegations of being used as an avenue to fund the opposition, saying the intelligence reports if indeed they exist were false intelligence.  


Nominations: Kireka, Kyambogo placed under 2-day daytime curfew

Police has announced a two-day daytime curfew for Kyambogo, Kireka and neighbouring areas starting Monday ahead of the presidential candidate nominations. 
The nominations will be conducted next week on Monday and Tuesday at Kyambogo University and police says residents of Kyambogo and Kireka will not be allowed to leave their homes during the daytime. 

Also, no person will be allowed to loiter in the vicinity of nomination venue except candidates and their entourage of not more than 10 people.

According to Norman Musinga, the Kampala Metropolitan traffic police commander, area residents within the nomination venue will have to stay home till evening while some roads will be closed and traffic diverted.

"Motorists will be diverted at Spear Motors (IOV), Banda trading centre, Kireka trading centre, Kigobe road at National Council of Higher Education and Jokas hotel," Musinga said.

Police said other motorists heading to Jinja from Kampala will go through Old Port Bell road, Spring road via Kireka road to Kinawataka and join the Kampala-Jinja Highway from Bweyogerere trading centre.

"Kyambogo cricket ground [presidential nomination centre] will only be accessible to presidential aspirants, their recommended number of people accredited by Electoral Commission and Electoral Commission officials," Musinga said.

The accredited VIPs will access the nomination centre through Kyambogo road, Kyambogo University Western gate and park as will be directed by traffic police.

Access to Kyambogo University will be restricted to only accredited persons and tere will be no access to other motorists intending to use the Kampala–Jinja highway between Spear Motors and Kireka trading centre except members of Electoral Commission, presidential aspirants, service vehicles, emergency vehicles and security vehicles (fire brigade, ambulances and medical team). 

"The aspirants will exit through Kyambogo University, faculty of engineering and join Kigobe road at National Council of Higher Education. Heavy trucks will not be allowed along Kampala-Jinja highway," police said.

Those travelling from eastern Uganda will be diverted from Namboole roundabout to the Northern bypass while those from western Uganda will be diverted at Busega roundabout through the Northern bypass to Kalerwe roundabout-Gayaza and follow the same route to Jinja.

All junctions that join Kampala–Jinja highway between Spear Motors (IOV) and Kireka trading centre will be cut off; therefore no vehicle shall access the Highway.

"Presidential aspirants will not be allowed to access the central business centre; therefore all roads leading to the central business district will have restricted access," Musinga added.

Police have insisted that no procession along the road will be allowed before, during and after nominations.


Spice Diana dances with arms, head as waist jams

By Julius Senyimba After hours and hours putting together a music video with your team and you are ecstatic about the end result, just know that the time for sleep has yet to come. Although a high-quality music video always has the chance of going viral, that chance is slim if there is no promotional […]

Ab'e Kawempe balaajanye ku kasasiro

Bya  Rosemary Nakaliri

Abatuuze b'e Ttula mu zzooni ya Kalumba mu muluka gwe Kawempe  beeraliikirivu nti bandirumbibwa endwadde eziva ku bucaafu olwa kasasiro abasusseeko obungi olw'okubulwa we abamukungaanyiza ekireetera abamu okumuyiwa mu nguudo ne mu myala amazzi ne ganjaala mu biseera by'enkuba.

Abatuuze nga bali wamu n'eyeesimbyewo ku bwakkansala mu kitundu kya Kulumba, Ahmed Lukwago nga bayoola kasasiro bwe baabadde bakola bulungibwansi.

Bano okulaajana kuno baakukozeoluvannyuma lwa Ahmed Lukwago eyeegwanyiza ekifo ky'obwa kkansala bw'omuluka guno okukulemberamu abatuuze okukola bulungibwansi nga bayoola kasasiro, okugogola emyala n'okusaawa ensiko ku makubo.

Abatuuze era baalaajanidde KCCA ebayambe ereetenga emmotoka zaabwe ebakungaanyengamu kasasiro nga bwe bakola mu bitundu ebirala ekitundu kyabwe kisobole okulongooka.

Abengabi beeyawuddemu ku by'okuziika Yiga ku kkanisa e Kawaala

Abengabi beeyawuddemu ku by'okuziika Yiga ku kkanisa e Kawaala

Obutakkaanya wakati w'ab'ekika kya Pasita Augustine Yiga Abizzaayo, 43 n'abakulembeze b'ekkanisa ye e Kawaala bwatandise ng'ab'ekika bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa ye nga bwe yalaama. Abeekika baabadde bawakanya okuziika Yiga e Kawaala nga bagamba nti, baludde nga bamusaba alekere awo okubeekutulako nga bwe yakola ng'alokoka n'okukola ekiggya ekikye ku kkanisa n'aziikawo maama we, Elizabeth Kwagala kyokka nga si ye yekka gw'azaala waliwo n'abalala abaasigala mu Bukatoliki. Ekiggya abamu ku b'engabi we baagala Yiga aziikibwe Yiga yalaama kumuziika ku kkanisa ye eya Christian Revival Church e Kawaala nga kye kyavuddeko olutalo olw'amaanyi n'okusiba ezimu ku nteekateeka z'okumuziika ng'abakulu mu kika kye baagala azzibwe ku butaka. Yiga yakulira Bukomansimbi mu Buddu awaaziikibwa kitaawe, Yozefu Matovu era baganda be bagamba nti okumuziika e Kawaala abeera abeeyawuliddeko ddala. Ku ssaawa 5:00 eggulo, olukiiko olw'amangu lwatuuziddwa ku kkanisa ye okugonjoola ekizibu ekyabadde kiyinza okulemesa ekiraamo kya Yiga omuli n'omulambo gwe okugutwala ku kkanisa ye gumalewo ennaku ttaano nga tannaziikibwa. Jjajja w'omugenzi Yiga Okulaama amale ennaku ttaano, yali ayagala kisobozese abagoberezi be abangi mu ggwanga okuva gye bali yonna bamukubeko eriiso evvannyuma wabula omulambo gukyaterekeddwa kkampuni eyakoze ku by'okuziika olw'enkaayana z'okumuziika. "Omulambo tusuubira okuguggyayo enkya (leero ku Lwokutaano) oba ku Lwomukaaga kubanga olukiiko luwedde tukkaanyizza aziikibwe nga bwe yalaama wadde nga lubaddemu okusika omuguwa okw'amaanyi." Omu ku baabadde mu lukiiko bwe yategeezezza Bukedde. Muganda wa Yiga ayitibwa Charles Kayenga Kiribakka eyavudde e Mawogola okujja e Kampala alabe eby'okuziika muto we yategeezezza nti, 'Yiga yalaama kumuziika ku kkanisa n'atugamba nti yenna alyetantala okumuzza e Buddu talisomoka Lwera. Ekyalo Mpaama ab'engabi gye baagala Yiga aziikibwe Yagaana okuzimba ennyumba eyiye ku bubwe ng'agamba nti ekkanisa nnyumba ya Mukama era ye ayagala asulenga mu nnyumba ya Mukama." Ono eyabadde ayambadde ssappule olw'okuba nga Yiga ne baganda be baazaalibwa Bakatoliki. Kitaabwe Yozefu Matovu yafa mu 1995 ate maama waabwe Elizabeth Kwagala n'afa mu 2018. Ensonda ku baabadde mu lukiiko zigamba nti, ab'ekika abaabadde bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa baludde nga balina obutakkaanya ne Yiga eyalokoka ate nga bo Bakatoliki ekibadde kibaleetera obutakwatagana mu bintu bingi olw'endowooza z'eddiini nga ne mu nkiiko z'ekika ezimu Yiga abadde tabeerayo ng'agamba nti mulokole. Omugenzi Paasita Yiga Mu lukiiko, mwabaddemu abaana ba Yiga abakulu abaakulembeddwa Andrew Jengo, mikwano gye, abakadde b'ekkanisa n'abeekika babiri okuli eyabadde awakanya eky'okumuziika ku kkanisa eyakiikiridde banne ne Kayenga eyabadde awagira ebiri mu kiraamo. Yiga yafa puleesa, ekibumba, sukaali n'endwadde endala mu ddwaaliro e Nsambya. Aziikibwa ku Ssande e Kawaala. ABAKADDE b'ekkanisa ya Pasita Abizzaayo Yiga eggulo baatudde mu lukiiko olw'amangu olw'enkaayana ezaabaluseewo ng'ab'ekika (Ekyengabi) bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa ye. Obutakkaanya wakati w'ab'ekika kya Pasita Augustine Yiga Abizzaayo, 43 n'abakulembeze b'ekkanisa ye e Kawaala bwatandise ng'ab'ekika bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa ye nga bwe yalaama. Abeekika baabadde bawakanya okuziika Yiga e Kawaala nga bagamba nti, baludde nga bamusaba alekere awo okubeekutulako nga bwe yakola ng'alokoka n'okukola ekiggya ekikye ku kkanisa n'aziikawo maama we, Elizabeth Kwagala kyokka nga si ye yekka gw'azaala waliwo n'abalala abaasigala mu Bukatoliki. Yiga yalaama kumuziika ku kkanisa ye eya Christian Revival Church e Kawaala nga kye kyavuddeko olutalo olw'amaanyi n'okusiba ezimu ku nteekateeka z'okumuziika ng'abakulu mu kika kye baagala azzibwe ku butaka. Yiga yakulira Bukomansimbi mu Buddu awaaziikibwa kitaawe, Yozefu Matovu era baganda be bagamba nti okumuziika e Kawaala abeera abeeyawuliddeko ddala. Ku ssaawa 5:00 eggulo, olukiiko olw'amangu lwatuuziddwa ku kkanisa ye okugonjoola ekizibu ekyabadde kiyinza okulemesa ekiraamo kya Yiga omuli n'omulambo gwe okugutwala ku kkanisa ye gumalewo ennaku ttaano nga tannaziikibwa. Okulaama amale ennaku ttaano, yali ayagala kisobozese abagoberezi be abangi mu ggwanga okuva gye bali yonna bamukubeko eriiso evvannyuma wabula omulambo gukyaterekeddwa kkampuni eyakoze ku by'okuziika olw'enkaayana z'okumuziika. "Omulambo tusuubira okuguggyayo enkya (leero ku Lwokutaano) oba ku Lwomukaaga kubanga olukiiko luwedde tukkaanyizza aziikibwe nga bwe yalaama wadde nga lubaddemu okusika omuguwa okw'amaanyi." Omu ku baabadde mu lukiiko bwe yategeezezza Bukedde. Muganda wa Yiga ayitibwa Charles Kayenga Kiribakka eyavudde e Mawogola okujja e Kampala alabe eby'okuziika muto we yategeezezza nti, 'Yiga yalaama kumuziika ku kkanisa n'atugamba nti yenna alyetantala okumuzza e Buddu talisomoka Lwera. Yagaana okuzimba ennyumba eyiye ku bubwe ng'agamba nti ekkanisa nnyumba ya Mukama era ye ayagala asulenga mu nnyumba ya Mukama." Ono eyabadde ayambadde ssappule olw'okuba nga Yiga ne baganda be baazaalibwa Bakatoliki. Kitaabwe Yozefu Matovu yafa mu 1995 ate maama waabwe Elizabeth Kwagala n'afa mu 2018. Ensonda ku baabadde mu lukiiko zigamba nti, ab'ekika abaabadde bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa baludde nga balina obutakkaanya ne Yiga eyalokoka ate nga bo Bakatoliki ekibadde kibaleetera obutakwatagana mu bintu bingi olw'endowooza z'eddiini nga ne mu nkiiko z'ekika ezimu Yiga abadde tabeerayo ng'agamba nti mulokole. Mu lukiiko, mwabaddemu abaana ba Yiga abakulu abaakulembeddwa Andrew Jengo, mikwano gye, abakadde b'ekkanisa n'abeekika babiri okuli eyabadde awakanya eky'okumuziika ku kkanisa eyeyakiikiridde banne ne Kayenga eyabadde awagira ebiri mu kiraamo. Yiga yafa puleesa, ekibumba, sukaali n'endwadde endala mu ddwaaliro e Nsambya. ABAKADDE b'ekkanisa ya Pasita Abizzaayo Yiga eggulo baatudde mu lukiiko olw'amangu olw'enkaayana ezaabaluseewo ng'ab'ekika (Ekyengabi) bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa ye. Obutakkaanya wakati w'ab'ekika kya Pasita Augustine Yiga Abizzaayo, 43 n'abakulembeze b'ekkanisa ye e Kawaala bwatandise ng'ab'ekika bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa ye nga bwe yalaama. Abeekika baabadde bawakanya okuziika Yiga e Kawaala nga bagamba nti, baludde nga bamusaba alekere awo okubeekutulako nga bwe yakola ng'alokoka n'okukola ekiggya ekikye ku kkanisa n'aziikawo maama we, Elizabeth Kwagala kyokka nga si ye yekka gw'azaala waliwo n'abalala abaasigala mu Bukatoliki. Yiga yalaama kumuziika ku kkanisa ye eya Christian Revival Church e Kawaala nga kye kyavuddeko olutalo olw'amaanyi n'okusiba ezimu ku nteekateeka z'okumuziika ng'abakulu mu kika kye baagala azzibwe ku butaka. Yiga yakulira Bukomansimbi mu Buddu awaaziikibwa kitaawe, Yozefu Matovu era baganda be bagamba nti okumuziika e Kawaala abeera abeeyawuliddeko ddala. Ku ssaawa 5:00 eggulo, olukiiko olw'amangu lwatuuziddwa ku kkanisa ye okugonjoola ekizibu ekyabadde kiyinza okulemesa ekiraamo kya Yiga omuli n'omulambo gwe okugutwala ku kkanisa ye gumalewo ennaku ttaano nga tannaziikibwa. Okulaama amale ennaku ttaano, yali ayagala kisobozese abagoberezi be abangi mu ggwanga okuva gye bali yonna bamukubeko eriiso evvannyuma wabula omulambo gukyaterekeddwa kkampuni eyakoze ku by'okuziika olw'enkaayana z'okumuziika. "Omulambo tusuubira okuguggyayo enkya (leero ku Lwokutaano) oba ku Lwomukaaga kubanga olukiiko luwedde tukkaanyizza aziikibwe nga bwe yalaama wadde nga lubaddemu okusika omuguwa okw'amaanyi." Omu ku baabadde mu lukiiko bwe yategeezezza Bukedde. Muganda wa Yiga ayitibwa Charles Kayenga Kiribakka eyavudde e Mawogola okujja e Kampala alabe eby'okuziika muto we yategeezezza nti, 'Yiga yalaama kumuziika ku kkanisa n'atugamba nti yenna alyetantala okumuzza e Buddu talisomoka Lwera. Yagaana okuzimba ennyumba eyiye ku bubwe ng'agamba nti ekkanisa nnyumba ya Mukama era ye ayagala asulenga mu nnyumba ya Mukama." Ono eyabadde ayambadde ssappule olw'okuba nga Yiga ne baganda be baazaalibwa Bakatoliki. Kitaabwe Yozefu Matovu yafa mu 1995 ate maama waabwe Elizabeth Kwagala n'afa mu 2018. Ensonda ku baabadde mu lukiiko zigamba nti, ab'ekika abaabadde bawakanya okumuziika ku kkanisa baludde nga balina obutakkaanya ne Yiga eyalokoka ate nga bo Bakatoliki ekibadde kibaleetera obutakwatagana mu bintu bingi olw'endowooza z'eddiini nga ne mu nkiiko z'ekika ezimu Yiga abadde tabeerayo ng'agamba nti mulokole. Mu lukiiko, mwabaddemu abaana ba Yiga abakulu abaakulembeddwa Andrew Jengo, mikwano gye, abakadde b'ekkanisa n'abeekika babiri okuli eyabadde awakanya eky'okumuziika ku kkanisa eyeyakiikiridde banne ne Kayenga eyabadde awagira ebiri mu kiraamo. Yiga yafa puleesa, ekibumba, sukaali n'endwadde endala mu ddwaaliro e Nsambya. Aziikibwa ku Ssande e Kawaala.

Ndugga akubye oluyimba olusiibula Pasita Yiga n'akaabya abantu

Ndugga akubye oluyimba olusiibula Pasita Yiga n'akaabya abantu

Hassan Ndugga ayiiyizza oluyimba olusiibula Pasita Yiga ne lukaabya abantu. Mu luyimba luno olw'eddakiika ettaano (5) olutuumiddwa ‘Nsigadde mu matigga', Ndugga agamba nti Pasita Yiga abadde taata era asumbye n'okuyamba abantu bangi kati abasigadde mu bbanga.

Atenderezza ebirungi Yiga by'alese akoze ku nsi era mu luyimba luno alagiddemu gyenvudde wa Yiga (okuva e Masaka, okuyingira Kampala ew'omugenzi Livingstone Kasozi gye yatandikira okuyiiya obulamu, okutuuka lwe yeerandiza n'afuuka omusajja ow'amaanyi era ow'ettuttumu mu ggwanga).

Wadde ng'enteekateeka yabadde ya bayimbi abaaliko mu kibiina kya Pasita Yiga ekya Revival Band okukola oluyimba olwa wamu, Ndugga eyaliko mu bbandi eno yalabye banne tebasalawo kwe kukozesa obwangu n'ayingira sityudiyo era oluvannyuma lw'essaawa mukaaga yavuddeyo n'oluyimba oluwedde kati oluli ku mimwa gy'abawagizi n'abagoberezi ba Pasita Yiga.

Ndugga obwedda ayita Yiga muzeeyi agamba nti nga abali mu nsiike y'okuyimba basubiddwa omuzadde, omuntu abadde abateekamu ssente ate nga munnabitone munnaabwe kuba abadde muyimbi, muyiiya ate nga muwandiisi wa nnyimba n'emizannyo.

Ebimu ku bigambo ebiri mu luyimba :

Bino njogera nga akulaba. Tubadde baana gy'oli musumba waffe ebyakusoboko akubeerenga, omwoyo agutuuze mu batuukirivu. Tubadde ndiga zo nga ggwe amanyi okusumba. Tuli eno twemagaza. Abayimbi abazannyi ba katemba bonna kw'ossa abadongo otulese mu biwoobe. Nsula nkaaba naayitanga ani amanyi ebyange, Yiga wummula mirembe. Olumbe luno lumaze abange ate abalungi bokka Nsigadde mu matigga. Omuyiiya w'ennyimba, omuwabuzi asinga, nnannyini Revival bbandi. Yiga wummula mirembe. Abadde amanyi okusaaga... N'ebirala.

Hassan Ndugga ayiiyizza
oluyimba olusiibula
Pasita Yiga ne lukaabya
Mu luyimba luno
olw'eddakiika ettaano (5)
olutuumiddwa ‘Nsigadde
mu matigga', Ndugga
agamba nti Pasita
Yiga abadde taata era
asumbye n'okuyamba
abantu bangi kati abasigadde
mu bbanga.
Atenderezza ebirungi
Yiga by'alese akoze ku nsi era mu
luyimba luno alagiddemu gyenvudde
wa Yiga (okuva e Masaka, okuyigira
Kampala ew'omugenzi Livingstone Kasozi
gye yatandikira okuyiiya obulamu,
okutuuka lwe yeerandiza n'afuuka
omusajja ow'amaanyi era ow'ettuttumu
mu ggwanga).
Wadde ng'enteekateeka yabadde
ya bayimbi abaaliko mu kibiina kya
Pasita Yiga ekya Revival Band okukola
oluyimba olwa wamu, Ndugga
eyaliko mu bbandi eno yalabye banne
tebasalawo kwe kukozesa obwangu
n'ayingira sityudiyo era oluvannyuma
lw'essaawa mukaaga yavuddeyo
n'oluyimba oluwedde kati oluli ku
mimwa gy'abawagizi n'abagoberezi ba
Pasita Yiga.
Ndugga obwedda ayita
Yiga muzeeyi agamba
nti nga abali mu nsiike
y'okuyimba basubiddwa
omuzadde, omuntu
abadde abateekamu
ssente ate nga munnabitone
munnaabwe kuba
abadde muyimbi, muyiiya
ate nga muwandiisi wa
nnyimba n'emizannyo.
Ebimu ku bigambo ebiri mu
luyimba :
Bino njogera nga
akulaba. Tubadde baana gy'oli
musumba waffe ebyakusoboko
akubeerenga, omwoyo agutuuze mu
batuukirivu. Tubadde ndiga zo nga
ggwe amanyi okusumba. Tuli eno
twemagaza. Abayimbi abazannyi ba
katemba bonna kw'ossa abadongo
otulese mu biwoobe. Nsula nkaaba
naayitanga ani amanyi ebyange,
Yiga wummula mirembe. Olumbe
luno lumaze abange ate abalungi
bokka Nsigadde mu matigga.
Omuyiiya w'ennyimba, omuwabuzi
asinga, nnannyini Revival
bbandi. Yiga wummula mirembe.
Abadde amanyi okusaaga...

Poliisi eremesezza aba famire ya Yiga okusuza omulambo ku kkanisa ennaku 2

Poliisi eremesezza aba famire ya Yiga okusuza omulambo ku kkanisa ennaku 2

Yiga 43, yafudde mu kiro ekyakeesezza Olwokubiri nga October 20, 2020 wabula bwe yali tannafa yali yalaama omulambo gwe gusuzibwe ku katuuti okumala ennaku ttaano kyokka kino kyajjululwa olw'embeera ne basooka bakkaanya omulambo gusule mu kkanisa ennaku bbiri okuva olwaleero (ku Lwokutaano) okutuuka ku Ssande lw'agenda okuziikibwa.

Kyokka enteekateeka eno poliisi egirinnyeemu eggere era mu lukiiko olwatuulidwaamu ku Lwokusatu akawungeezi abaffamire, ekkaninsa ne poliisi eyabadde ekulembeddwa RPC wa Kampala North, Peter Nkulega baakisazizzaamu ne bakkaanya omulambo gwa Yiga baguleete enkya ku Lwomukaaga okwewala obuvuyo obuyinza okubaawo ng'abantu abangi bakuhhaanye ekiseera ekiwanvu.


Obyekwerinda byongedde okunywezebwa ku kkanisa e Kawaala okuviira ddala ku kkubo wateereddwaawo bakanyama nga basooka ku kwaza, okunaaba mu ngalo tteeka era okuva ku kkubo okutuuka ku kkanisa waliwo ebifo ebinaabirwamu engalo bya mirundi ebiri.

Okuyingira mu kkanisa munda wagguddwako emiryango ebiri gyokka ogumu guyingiza bantu era wano bakanyama basooka ku kwekebejja ate era bw'oba ofuluma olina kukozesa mulyango mulala nga nawo bakanyama bakwebejja okukakasa nti tolina ky'otutte.

Winnie Nwagi in a hot springs video shoot

By Julius Senyimba A music video is a short film that integrates a song with imagery, and is produced for promotional or artistic purposes. And with our small country, to have something unique, you have to explore it. This is what Swangz Avenue singer Winnie Nwagi opted for while picking places to feature in her […]

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Two charged over theft of fuel worth Shs 32bn from Total

Two businessmen have been charged for alleged theft of fuel worth more than Shs 32 billion from fuel giant, Total Uganda Limited.

Deogratius Twagirayezu and Joseph Bbuye were on Thursday arraigned before the Anti-Corruption court chief magistrate Pamela Lamunu Ochaya who charged them with two counts of theft and conspiracy to defraud.

According to prosecution, between September 1st 2017 and September 30th 2018 at Total Uganda head office on 8th Street Industrial Area in Kampala, the suspects stole petrol, diesel and lubricants worth Shs 32.2 billion.

It is also alleged that Bbuye and Twagirayezu conspired with eight others who included five Total Uganda officials to commit the offences. 

The other officials who were charged earlier include Moses Sebalu the senior accountant with Total Uganda, Belinda Nakasi the taxation accountant, Priscilla Nansikombi a cashier, Lillian Mboizi Ssanyu former senior treasury manager, Ritah Daphine Mbabazi the procurement officer.

The others include other businessmen or dealers with Total Uganda including, Hemal Kotecha, Innocent Tugume and Evelyn Kaggwa. Prosecution notes that the money was stolen when the officials of Total Uganda connived and posted fictitious payment entries onto the computer system of Total Uganda Limited to portray that Shs 32.2 billion had been paid by the businessmen into the company's bank account whereas not.

Bbuye and Twagirayezu denied the charges against them and asked to be released on bail arguing that the charges against them are bailable since their co-accused are also out on bail. They presented three sureties each who included their fellow businessmen and friends.

The state attorney Jackie Kyasimire didn't object to their bail application save for asking for the contacts of the sureties whom they had presented for easier purposes of tracing in case they abscond from the trial.

Lamunu asked the accused to deposit with the court Shs 20 million cash, certificate of a land title and their passport. She asked their sureties to execute a non-cash bond of Shs 800 million.

On June 8 2020, a warrant officer II, Gordon Kababure was arraigned before the General Court Martial and charged with theft of Shs 2.3 billion from Total Uganda. Kababure had reportedly forged 13 fuel cards and pretended that the money was for routine fuel for the Land Forces of UPDF which was not the case. The case returns to court on December 9, 2020, for mention.


Ykee Benda’s studio robbed clean

By Ahmad Muto Singer Ykee Benda has gone through so much heat the last few weeks from getting trolled rather harshly on Twitter over his looks, to the quality of his songs. Now it has been reported that his studio, was robbed clean, even his ear pins were taken. He took to social media to announce […]

Woman injured by teargas demands Shs 500m compensation from police

A woman in Kampala has petitioned the inspector general of police, Martins Okoth Ochola demanding compensation of Shs 500 million after being hit and injured by a teargas canister.

Agnes Nakavuma, a resident of Kilombe, Nsambya, says she was injured by a teargas canister fired by police officers who were dispersing a procession by Makindye West Division legislator, Allan Ssewanyana following his nomination on October 15, 2020.

Through her lawyers of Nalukoola, Kakeeto Advocates and Solicitors, Nakavuma says she sustained physical injuries on the right upper limb and right part of her abdomen among others. According to Nakavuma, she was walking to the market along Makindye-Mubaraka to purchase fruits and vegetables for her business when she was hit. 

Through her lawyers, Nakavuma says that she was rushed to St Francis Hospital Nsambya unconscious where she is still admitted. Her lawyers led by Nalukoola Luyimbazi say that their client has undergone several surgical operations and yet, even more, have been recommended.

"To that extent, therefore, our client is mentally traumatized and has since sustained physical injuries at the hands of the police officers who are constitutionally mandated to protect people and their properties. However, neither the commanding officer of that operation nor any officer of Uganda Police Force has ever responded and or made any attempt to ensure that the victim receives medication," reads the petition in part.  
Adding that, "The purpose of this letter is to bring to your attention the fact that your subordinates committed the impugned wrongs against the victim and no steps were taken for reinstitution, compensation and general treatment of the victim."

The lawyers are demanding compensation of Shs 500 million for their client and Shs 10 million for legal fees payable within 14 days - failure of which will leave them no option but to commence legal proceedings against the police boss. 

The deputy Kampala Metropolitan Area police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire said that they are aware of what happened to Nakavuma and officers from Katwe police station were dispatched to visit the scene and record statements on what transpired. Owoyesigyire says their preliminary findings show that Nakavuma is not as innocent as she claims. 

"The allegation is the victim was among the protestors and a teargas canister was thrown and allegedly landed on her arm. Well, we have made several visits to the hospital and f it reaches on the issues of petitioning the IGP for paying such an amount of money, I believe our legal department will look into the petition and will make the necessary decision," said Owoyesigyire. 

At the time Nakavuma got injured, the Electoral Commission had stopped all parliamentary aspirants against holding processions during their nomination so as to comply with the COVID-19 restrictions.

Each candidate was expected to show up at the nomination centre with not more than 10 people including their nominator, seconder and driver among others. However, some politicians still ahead to mobilise their supporters to escort them, which put them in direct confrontation with the police force.


Geopolitics: are women the best placed to reshape foreign policy?

The ongoing Kampala Geopolitics Conference 2020 is an eye-opener in many aspects of life and leadership. Under the theme 'Geopolitics in the year of the pandemic and beyond,' the conference has already addressed the issues of Covid-19 solidarity and the anticipated fourth industrial revolution.

However, the most compelling was the realization that women can make the world more peaceful, writes DERRICK KIYONGA.

Over the years, while men still dominate decision-making in international affairs, there has been an increase in the number of women as well. For instance, about 10 per cent of the countries in the world are led by women, 34 countries have female foreign ministers, 84 countries with female ministers of trade and 20 countries that have female ministers of defense.

This is the first sign that there is progress and plenty of space for women to emerge in leadership.  With that in mind, what's the link between foreign policy, international affairs and gender?

Besides, can women make the world more peaceful, more connected or even more thriving?

Yes, they can, they do and examples of their commitment are countless. This was the final assessment of a panel of international experts that converged at the NBS TV auditorium on October 21.

Organising partners of the conference include the French embassy, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, UN Women, Makerere University'and Alliance Française.

Not only do women head governments and ministries, rescue their lives on the ground, mitigate the most challenging conflicts and help prevent them, they also inspire and create new role models.

Long gone is the picture of women merely as bystanders in high-level decision-making. And yet, as a field of research and through a scientific lens, it can be argued that gender has not received the attention it deserves.

This leaves public action under-informed of the opportunities of deliberately including women in international affairs. Agnes Igoye, deputy national coordinator for the prevention of trafficking in persons and commandant of the Uganda Immigration Training Academy, says women have to be mentored into leadership positions, especially if they are venturing into spaces they have never because they may feel insecure about themselves.

Agnes Igoye

"It is important to prepare the men to become more comfortable with women leadership so that it is not a threat to them. That we can work in an environment that is not an 'us versus them' but also them being acceptable that when women come into the picture, there's something which they are contributing in that space and if you're looking that perspective, then there's a challenge in it," she says.

Igoye adds that women need to support one another to build a stronger voice, especially in the international spaces where there are fewer women.

"It is easy to think that it is automatic that having women in powerful positions automatically they will support fellow women. Increasingly, there are some women who have gotten challenges from women in leadership who are not lifting up others, and personally I kept wondering how this could be yet we are of the same gender but only to realize that when you're a minority and you get into a space that you have never been, you feel like you're floating and special because you're the only woman in a male-dominated space; so, you find yourself threatened by fellow women coming into that space," she notes.

"That is why I'm insisting that women need to be mentored on how to manage that space because there are also several challenges that come with such positions including loneliness. Also the more women you have in power positions, the more people get used to this phenomenon. For example, in Uganda we have a woman speaker of parliament; so, now we can associate women with occupying high-ranking leadership positions. So, such deliberate efforts of supporting them when they are high up there and also support in managing those challenges that come within the territory."

Foreign policy

Meanwhile, Dr Maxine Houinato, the head of UN Women in Uganda, observes that there is need to recognize that foreign policy or governance in general is not exacted in a vacuum; it comes in a specific environment, not only specific to Uganda but an environment of gaps for women.

"You have political, economic and social gaps. And we also have to understand that these gaps have underlying factors which are the patriarchy and traditional norms and we know that any policy, whether domestic or foreign, is posed on top of those foundations," he says.

"As a leader in this position, what has been your experience in terms of shifting the policies to get more women into leadership roles especially at immigration dealing with the some of the most sensitive issues around geopolitics working around refugees, immigration and trafficking? What has that experience been for you as a woman in power and what policies are you making to level the playing field? Some of the deliberate actions taken are flexibility.

For example, around 2016, we recruited about 350 for immigration service and some of the women were pregnant and couldn't carry through with the physical fitness course to qualify for recruitment; so, rather than chase them, they still sat for the interview and a year later they were called back to complete their training. So, such flexibility is what we do at the directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control."

Sexual abuse

Women continue to suffer from sexual abuse, which reduces their capacity to protect and exert themselves to their full potential.

Igoye says the most depressing aspect about sexual-related challenges is sexual exploitation. "You can imagine during this lockdown, you've been hearing the stories and statistics about the many pregnant girls impregnated by their own relatives and people living within the communities; so, you keep thinking who are we as a people and what are we tolerating?" she wonders.

"It goes to say that we aren't looking at the girls only but boys as well who are sexually exploited as children and there is stigma in that area. Does a girl first need to have a physical pregnancy for sexual exploitation to be taken seriously? Many of the women, upon voicing these incidences at work, for example, they don't have a right to privacy or the right to say what they want."


Internationally, there is a growing push to have gender equality and women's empowerment as central to national security, diplomacy, defense, aid and trade. The push is to reshape foreign policy to have a more feminine policy by promoting more women's leadership, more commitment to policies that advance that leadership and allocating more resources in a manner that advances that commitment.

Dr Houinato says that at the international level, there is need to consider how poverty and vulnerability of women affect leadership.

"The question becomes 'how do we integrate that into foreign policy and into shaping geopolitics?' Today geopolitics is divided in two main areas; aid and trade. How are women positioned in terms of enjoying international aid and trade?"


Ugandans vote in Tanzanian elections

Some Ugandan nationals living along the Mutukula border in Kyoteta district participated in the general elections exercise in neighbouring Tanzania. 

Tanzanians on Wednesday took to the polls to elect the president, members of the national assembly and local council leaders. However, some of the Ugandans living along Mutukula crossed over to the Tanzanian border district of Misenyi to also cast their ballots. 

From our interviews, it transpires that to some people, they consider themselves as belonging to both countries, and with their livelihoods and families existing on either side, they felt compelled to participate in choosing the leaders they want to manage their affairs.

Rashid Mawanda a boda boda rider in Mutukula town council is among the dozens of Ugandans that participated in the Tanzanian elections.  He says despite him being in possession of a Ugandan national ID card, he also obtained the Tanzanian voter's card, one of the requirements to vote in Tanzania. Mawanda explains that many people especially those living along the border and are fluent in Kiswahili could easily register as voters in Tanzania while some obtained national IDs as well.

Hamid Jabar Kakuru, a cross border trader in Mutukula who also participated in the Tanzanian elections argues the many Ugandans have multiple homes and families inside Tanzania hence freely participating in its internal affairs including elections. 

Kakuru, however, indicates that those who didn't pass the red tape (fluency in Swahili) during the registration exercise were turned away and their names have not featured on the voters' registers.

Asked about the interest of participating in the affairs of a foreign country, Kigongo argues that it helps them freely interact with communities in both countries and smoothly transact business on either side of the border.

A polling assistant at Kabakesa polling station at one of Tanzania's border villages who spoke on conditions on anonymity noted that they cannot rule out the possibility of Ugandans participating in the elections. He says that they allowed everybody who presented any of the requirements set by their National Electoral Commission.

According to him, the voters were validated on appearance in the voters register, presenting of Tanzanian national IDs, voters cards or a passport, saying it is possible that some non-citizens could have unscrupulously obtained any of the requirements.

Notably, the elections in Tanzania were conducted amid a shutdown of the internet and all social media that started on Tuesday. The tight race is between the incumbent President John Pombe Magufuli of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party and Tundu Lissu of the Chadema Party, alongside other 13 candidates. 


Engeri Yiga gye yeeyubula okuva mu busamize n'akola erinnya mu bulokole

Engeri Yiga gye yeeyubula okuva mu busamize n'akola erinnya mu bulokole

AUGUSTINE Yiga 'Abizzaayo', yazaalibwa mu maka maavu, n'alaba embaawo nnya zokka, tebyamulobera kwetetenkanya kufuuka Pasita wa linnya mu ggwanga. Abazze balaba Yiga by'azze akola ng'okuyimba, okunyakula obusimu, okusawula, okubeera kazannyirizi n'amala n'abuulira enjiri eyawukana ku y'abalala bimufudde wa njawulo. Oluvannyuma lw'okuva mu ssomero ng'ali mu P4 e Bukomansimbi gye bamuzaala, yasooka kutaayaaya ku kyalo era n'abazadde ne bamuvaako. Kyokka okujja kw'abayimbi ba Lukwata Guitar Singers abaali bakulemberwa omugenzi Livingstone Kasozi ku kyalo nga bazze okuyimba, gwe mukisa gwe yakozesa okwesogga ekibuga. Olw'okuba yali muto mu myaka okusinga yabayambanga kubooleza n'okufumba emmere. Kyokka mu biseera by'eddembe baamuyigirizanga okusuna endongo era afudde agimanyi. Mu 1997 nga Kasozi agudde ku ndiri, Yiga yeesanga ng'ebyokuyimba babiyimirizza kuba ekibiina kyali kitambulira ku mukama waabwe eyali takyasobola kuyimba. Kigambibwa nti mu kiseera kino, Yiga we yasalirawo okuyiga obusamize era nga yabukolera emyaka ebiri ng'ali mu muzigo gwe e Kawaala. Mikwano gya Yiga gye yabuuliramu ng'agenda okwesogga obusamize yabagamba nti yali akizudde nga bulimu ssente. Yagula ekita, obuleku, ebibbo, effumu, emmwaanyi n'embugo n'atandika okusawula. Era buli eyayingiranga mu ssabo ng'akkiriza nti ddala musamize wadde nga yali yeeyiiya. Yiga lumu yategeeza Bukedde nti wadde ng'ebyobusamize byalimu ssente naye yakizuula nga byali biswaza era ng'abantu bangi bamulaba bubi. Mukwano gwe omu yamubaliramu ddiiru y'abafere abaatambuzanga akazannyo ka 'Ani akalengedde' era baamusiba mu makomera agawerako okwali ne mu nkambi y'amagye e Mbuya ne Luzira. YALI KAFULU MU KUNYAKULA OBUSIMU Jamil Mukiibi ow'e Bbakuli agamba nti, yasooka okulabagana ne Yiga mu 2006 bwe yali azze okuyiga okukanika essimu we yali akolera ewa Kyakulaga ne Frank Kikomeko e Nakulabye okuliraana Eliote mu 2006. Wadde nga Yiga baali bamukkiriza okuyiga naye teyabiwa budde kuba yali ayagala nnyo ssente z'amangu ezitamulwisa. Obudde obusinga yabumalanga mu kunyakula busimu era teyabulwanga ssimu z'atunda naddala ekika kya Nokia 3310 ne Erikson. Kino kyamuviirako okumusibanga olutatadde kuba yakwatibwanga nnyo n'amasimu agabuze. Yagambye nti Yiga ku ssimu yali tasaaga era ne we baakanikiranga ng'abalabiriza waakiri n'abulawo n'eryanda. Olunaku olumu yali yaakayimbulwa mu kkomera n'ajja n'abagamba nti; "bannange nkooye eby'okunzibiikiriza buli kaseera era nsazeewo ng'enda kulokoka". Mukiibi yagambye nti, yasooka kugenda wa Pasita Samuel Kakande n'asabirayo okumala akaseera ate gye yava okugenda e Malawi gye yamala emyezi omukaaga. Bwe yakomawo yategeeza nti yali mulokole awedde emirimu. Yatandika ekkanisa y'ebiwempe mu Kiwuunya e Makerere n'atandika okubuulira enjiri. Kyokka era yali wanjawulo ku bapasita abalala kuba yaleetanga abayimbi nga Ziza Bafana ne bayimbira mu kkanisa. "Bwe twasisinkananga nga bw'aba ansiibula ang'amba nti ng'enze mu ssabo kusawula. Yabanga ategeeza kkanisa era ng'alaga nti takyalimu ngalo". Waliwo abavubuka be baabeeranga nabo e Nakulabye be yakozesanga okuwa obujulizi obw'ekifere ng'amanyi okubasiiga enva z'ebinyeebwa ku mubiri ne baba ng'abaalwala olususu. Bano yabasabiranga era enkeera bwe baakomangawo nga bamaze okunaaba nga bawa obujulizi ku maanyi g'omusumba. Kyokka bangi baamukaabanga olw'obutabasasulanga bulungi ate nga ekkanisa yali efunye abagoberezi. Bwe yalaba nga tebikyatambula bulungi mu Kiwuunya, yasengukira e Kawaala ng'afunye n'ettaka eddeneko era baagenda okuwulira nga yeeyongera ttuttumu buli olukya. Bwatyo Yiga eyazaalibwa mu famire enkatulikiti, yafuukira ddala era okutuuka okufa nga bangi bamunyenyeza mutwe. Kubanga yatuuka okubuulira enjiri ezzaayo eddogo mu kifo ky'okusonyiwa, okupangisa abawa obujulizi ate n'agaana okubasasula ne bamutwala ku poliisi, okuleeta abayimbi b'ennyimba z'omukwano mu kkanisa n'okuleeta bassenga ne bakojja okuyigiriza ku nsonga z'omu kisenge mu kkanisa ekubyeko ng'agamba nti byonna bitambulira wamu. KIKI KYOLIFA TEWEERABIDDE? Yiga bwe yatandika ttivvi yaleeta pulogulaamu ezaayogeza abantu ebikankana nga 'Kalondoozi' ne 'Kyolifa Teweerabidde'. Kalondoozi yakolanga ebintu ebyali tebikkirizika era nga birabika ng'ebipangirire ekyawaliriza ekitongole kya UCC ekivunaanyizibwa ku biweerezebwa ku mpewo okugiwera. Kuno kwe yagatta akanyomero ka 'Kyo- lifa Teweerabidde' mw'akyaliza abantu ab'enjawulo n'ababuuza ebibuuzo ebituukira ddala ne mu kisenge. AUGUSTINE Yiga 'Abizzaayo', yazaalibwa mu maka maavu, n'alaba embaawo nnya zokka, tebyamulobera kwetetenkanya kufuuka Pasita wa linnya mu ggwanga. Abazze balaba Yiga by'azze akola ng'okuyimba, okunyakula obusimu, okusawula, okubeera kazannyirizi n'amala n'abuulira enjiri eyawukana ku y'abalala bimufudde wa njawulo. Oluvannyuma lw'okuva mu ssomero ng'ali mu P4 e Bukomansimbi gye bamuzaala, yasooka kutaayaaya ku kyalo era n'abazadde ne bamuvaako. Kyokka okujja kw'abayimbi ba Lukwata Guitar Singers abaali bakulemberwa omugenzi Livingstone Kasozi ku kyalo nga bazze okuyimba, gwe mukisa gwe yakozesa okwesogga ekibuga. Olw'okuba yali muto mu myaka okusinga yabayambanga kubooleza n'okufumba emmere. Kyokka mu biseera by'eddembe baamuyigirizanga okusuna endongo era afudde agimanyi. Mu 1997 nga Kasozi agudde ku ndiri, Yiga yeesanga ng'ebyokuyimba babiyimirizza kuba ekibiina kyali kitambulira ku mukama waabwe eyali takyasobola kuyimba. Kigambibwa nti mu kiseera kino, Yiga we yasalirawo okuyiga obusamize era nga yabukolera emyaka ebiri ng'ali mu muzigo gwe e Kawaala. Mikwano gya Yiga gye yabuuliramu ng'agenda okwesogga obusamize yabagamba nti yali akizudde nga bulimu ssente. Yagula ekita, obuleku, ebibbo, effumu, emmwaanyi n'embugo n'atandika okusawula. Era buli eyayingiranga mu ssabo ng'akkiriza nti ddala musamize wadde nga yali yeeyiiya. Yiga lumu yategeeza Bukedde nti wadde ng'ebyobusamize byalimu ssente naye yakizuula nga byali biswaza era ng'abantu bangi bamulaba bubi. Mukwano gwe omu yamubaliramu ddiiru y'abafere abaatambuzanga akazannyo ka 'Ani akalengedde' era baamusiba mu makomera agawerako okwali ne mu nkambi y'amagye e Mbuya ne Luzira. YALI KAFULU MU KUNYAKULA OBUSIMU Jamil Mukiibi ow'e Bbakuli agamba nti, yasooka okulabagana ne Yiga mu 2006 bwe yali azze okuyiga okukanika essimu we yali akolera ewa Kyakulaga ne Frank Kikomeko e Nakulabye okuliraana Eliote mu 2006. Wadde nga Yiga baali bamukkiriza okuyiga naye teyabiwa budde kuba yali ayagala nnyo ssente z'amangu ezitamulwisa. Obudde obusinga yabumalanga mu kunyakula busimu era teyabulwanga ssimu z'atunda naddala ekika kya Nokia 3310 ne Erikson. Kino kyamuviirako okumusibanga olutatadde kuba yakwatibwanga nnyo n'amasimu agabuze. Yagambye nti Yiga ku ssimu yali tasaaga era ne we baakanikiranga ng'abalabiriza waakiri n'abulawo n'eryanda. Olunaku olumu yali yaakayimbulwa mu kkomera n'ajja n'abagamba nti; "bannange nkooye eby'okunzibiikiriza buli kaseera era nsazeewo ng'enda kulokoka". Mukiibi yagambye nti, yasooka kugenda wa Pasita Samuel Kakande n'asabirayo okumala akaseera ate gye yava okugenda e Malawi gye yamala emyezi omukaaga. Bwe yakomawo yategeeza nti yali mulokole awedde emirimu. Yatandika ekkanisa y'ebiwempe mu Kiwuunya e Makerere n'atandika okubuulira enjiri. Kyokka era yali wanjawulo ku bapasita abalala kuba yaleetanga abayimbi nga Ziza Bafana ne bayimbira mu kkanisa. "Bwe twasisinkananga nga bw'aba ansiibula ang'amba nti ng'enze mu ssabo kusawula. Yabanga ategeeza kkanisa era ng'alaga nti takyalimu ngalo". Waliwo abavubuka be baabeeranga nabo e Nakulabye be yakozesanga okuwa obujulizi obw'ekifere ng'amanyi okubasiiga enva z'ebinyeebwa ku mubiri ne baba ng'abaalwala olususu. Bano yabasabiranga era enkeera bwe baakomangawo nga bamaze okunaaba nga bawa obujulizi ku maanyi g'omusumba. Kyokka bangi baamukaabanga olw'obutabasasulanga bulungi ate nga ekkanisa yali efunye abagoberezi. Bwe yalaba nga tebikyatambula bulungi mu Kiwuunya, yasengukira e Kawaala ng'afunye n'ettaka eddeneko era baagenda okuwulira nga yeeyongera ttuttumu buli olukya. Bwatyo Yiga eyazaalibwa mu famire enkatulikiti, yafuukira ddala era okutuuka okufa nga bangi bamunyenyeza mutwe. Kubanga yatuuka okubuulira enjiri ezzaayo eddogo mu kifo ky'okusonyiwa, okupangisa abawa obujulizi ate n'agaana okubasasula ne bamutwala ku poliisi, okuleeta abayimbi b'ennyimba z'omukwano mu kkanisa n'okuleeta bassenga ne bakojja okuyigiriza ku nsonga z'omu kisenge mu kkanisa ekubyeko ng'agamba nti byonna bitambulira wamu. KIKI KYOLIFA TEWEERABIDDE? Yiga bwe yatandika ttivvi yaleeta pulogulaamu ezaayogeza abantu ebikankana nga 'Kalondoozi' ne 'Kyolifa Teweerabidde'. Kalondoozi yakolanga ebintu ebyali tebikkirizika era nga birabika ng'ebipangirire ekyawaliriza ekitongole kya UCC ekivunaanyizibwa ku biweerezebwa ku mpewo okugiwera. Kuno kwe yagatta akanyomero ka 'Kyo- lifa Teweerabidde' mw'akyaliza abantu ab'enjawulo n'ababuuza ebibuuzo ebituukira ddala ne mu kisenge.

Pasita Ssenyonga mumuboole - Mondo

Pasita Ssenyonga mumuboole - Mondo

"Njagala okukunga Bannayuganda mwenna okuvaayo muboole omusumba Ssenyonga.

Ne bwe mumulaba ng'ali mu dduuka aliko by'agula mukube enduulu ensi eveeyo erabe ku musajja omukulu afuuse ekyetere." Mondo bwe yagambye.

Mondo yagasseeko nti Ssenyonga okuvaayo n'ayogera ku mulambo amafuukuule kigenda kumutambulirako obulamu bwe bwonna kikwate n'abaana kuba naye bamanyi bwino we mungi atasanyusa okuli n'eby'akawala nga bali mu nnyonyi.

Pasita Jackson Senyonga owa Christian Life Church ne Solomon Male be baasoose okuvaayo ne bavumirira engeri Yiga gy'abadde yeeyisaamu nga mulamu.

Baamulumirizza okukabassanya abakazi era ne bategeeza nti yafudde talokose.

Omusumba Mondo
Mugisha y'omu ku
bakungubazi abeetabye
mu kukungubira Pasita
Yiga Abizzaayo e
Mu butaluma mu
bigambo bye, yategezezza
nti Pasita Jackson
Ssenyonga kye yakoze
kiraga nti muntu eyava
edda ku mulamwa.
"Njagala okukunga
Bannayuganda mwenna
okuvaayo muboole
omusumba Ssenyonga.
Ne bwe mumulaba
ng'ali mu dduuka aliko
by'agula mukube enduulu
ensi eveeyo erabe
ku musajja omukulu afuuse
ekyetere." Mondo
bwe yagambye.
Mondo yagasseeko
nti Ssenyonga okuvaayo
n'ayogera ku mulambo
amafuukuule kigenda
obulamu bwe bwonna
kikwate n'abaana kuba
naye bamanyi bwino we
mungi atasanyusa okuli
n'eby'akawala nga bali
mu nnyonyi.
Pasita Jackson Senyonga
owa Christian
Life Church ne Solomon
Male be baasoose
okuvaayo ne bavumirira
engeri Yiga gy'abadde
yeeyisaamu nga mulamu.
okukabassanya abakazi
era ne bategeeza nti
yafudde talokose.

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