Monday, November 30, 2020

Naro eweze okutumbula ebyenfuna bya Bannayuganda

Naro eweze okutumbula ebyenfuna bya Bannayuganda

Bino byogeddwa Dr. Yonna Baguma amyuuka akulira NARO mu Uganda bweyabadde atongoza enkola ey'okulwaanyisa enjala n'obwavu naddala mu bitundu eby'amambuka ga Uganda  nga omukolo guno gwabadde ku kitebe kya NARO ettabi erye Mukono.

Dr. Baguma bweyabadde atongozza enkola eno emanyiddwa nga  Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU), yagambye nti  singa Bannayuganda banaatandika okulunda enkoko ennansi eziva mu NARO embeera y'ebyenfuna byabwe ejja kutumbula olwo n'obukamu bwabwe busobole okubeera obulungi.

Ono yagambye nti ekika ky'enkoko NARO ky'ereese ekya ‘Elite chicken'  kyakuyamba Bannayuganda okufuna ssente nga bazitunze ate n'abanaazigula bajja kuganyulwa okulya enkoko ejjudde ebiriisa.

Ono yakubiriza bannayuganda  bulijjo okwettanira okulima n'okulunda ebisolo ebiba bivudde mu NARO kubanga bino biba ku mutindo ogwetaagisa ekiyamba abalunzi okuganyulwa ennyo.

Abas Kigozi akulira enkola eno ey'okulwanyisa obwavu n'enjala mu mambuka ga Uganda yagambye nti  ensonga lwaki ekitongole kya  NARO kyaleese   enkonko zino, ky'ayagadde abantu okulunda enkoko ezikula amangu ate nga zibiika amagi mangi okusinga ku zaabulijjo

Kigozi yagambye nti obutafananako na nkoko ndala, enkoko ennansi za nkizo nti tezimala galumbibwa bulwadde ate nga zikekkereza n'emmere bw'atyo n'akubiriza bannansi okuzirunda basobola okwongera okuganyulwa okuva mu bulunzi bw'enkoko zino.

Julius Kakiiza om uku balunzi b'enkoko ennansi agamba nti enkoko zino ezireteddwa NARO zigenda kubayamba nnyo okwongera ku bungi wamu n'omutindo gw'enkoko ennansi mu ggwanga.

MVV Maastricht 

Zimba ennyumba ng'okozesa ebyuma okekkereze ssente

Zimba ennyumba ng'okozesa ebyuma okekkereze ssente

OKWETOOLOOLA ensi  yonna okugula ettaka n'okuzimba kufuuse kwa buseere. Ye bwe byegasseemu ekirwadde kya COVID 19 ekirese bangi nga tebalina mirimu, bizinensi zifudde ng'ate n'ebizimbisibwa bya buseere ne gujabagira. 

Bw'ozimbisa ebyuma teweetaaga kukiika bbulooka.

Bulijjo nga tumalako omwaka n'okuyingira omupya, abantu bangi batuula ne bayitaayita mu bye baalina okukola oba bye balina okukola omwaka oguddako ng'ekisooka ku lukalala kuba kuzimba nnyumba bawone obupangisa oba okuzimba ennyumba mwe bafuna akasente.

Bo abali ku kyeyo batera okukomawo oba okuweereza ssente babazimbire amayumba basobole okudda kuno nga tebasula mu mizigo. Naye olw'ekirwadde kya COVID -19 muyite ssennyiga omukambwe, bangi balemereddwa okutuukiriza ebirooto byabwe era n'omwaka 2021 bandibeera mu ddukadduka w'aba Landiroodi.

Kalina gye bazimbisizza ebyuma.

Wabula Yusufu Kazibwe nnannyini  kkampuni ya Nana Corp Ltd asabye Bannayuganda abali kuno n'ebweru w'eggwanga okweyunira enzimba ekekkereza balwanyisa obupangisa n'okuteekawo amayumba aganaabayamba mu bukadde oba okubataasa mu mbeera enzibu ng'eno eya COVID 19 gye tubaddemu.   

Agamba nti enzimba eno bakozesa ebyuma bya Steel ebya IBM n'embaawo. Wadde nayo yeetaaga ssente, teziba nnyingi bw'ogigeraageranya n'enzimba eyaffe eya bulijjo. Bagikozesa nga bazimba ennyumba za bbangalo, kalina, ennyumba z'abapangisa n'ebintu ebirala nga ‘ware house' omuterekebwa ebintu ku ssente entonotono.

Abazimbi ba Kazibwe nga basimba n'okwokya ebyuma.

EMIGASO GY'ENZIMBA ENO                                                                                                                                                                    Kazibwe eyasangiddwa mu bitundu by'e Namugongo ku sayiti emu yategeezezza nti bw'ozimbisa ebyuma bya IBM, okozesa ssente ntono mu kuyiwa enkokoto ne kolomu naddala ng'ozimba kalina era okekkereza ebitundu 40 ku 100 ku ssente ze wandibadde osaasaanya. Kwe kutegeeza nti COVID ne bw'aba akosezza bizinensi yo, osobola okuggyamu ssente mpolampola n'ozimba ennyumba ng'ate ne bizinensi n'esigala ng'etambula.

Ggwe azimba kalina, teweetaaga kugula bintu nga makisipaani, embaawo, emisumaali, emiti ne seminti omungi ng'oyiwa siraabu ya kalina engeri gye bakozesa ebyuma bya IBM. Kyokka bw'oba ozimba ng'okozesa enkola enkadde, ebintu bino olina okuba nabyo mu bungi. Eno enzimba etwala obudde butono okusinziira ku ya bulijjo gy'olina okuwummulamu enkokoto n'ebisenge okuguma.

Yusufu Kazibwe.

Wano osooka kusimba byuma ebiwanirira buli kimu okuviira ddala mu musingi ng'ate okekkereza. Ggwe ava ku kyeyo ogyetaaga kubanga etwala obudde butono era oyinza okuddayo ng'ennyumba yo ewedde n'owona abantu okukubba. Ekendeeza ku buzito bw'ekizimbe ne ssente. Wano okekkereza ebitundu 35 ku 100 bw'ogeraageranya ku nzimba enkadde.

Enkola eno oyinza okuzimba kalina zonna z'oyagala olw'ebyuma okuwewuka nga bw'olaba mu nsi z'ebweru kubanga be baana baliyo. Okozesa bbulooka ntono okugatta ebisenge bw'ogeraageranya ku kalina eya bulijjo gye bazimba ng'ozikiika okusobola okuwanirira obuzito bwa siraabu eyiibwako waggulu.

Enzimba y'omusingi: Mu nkola enkadde, olina okusima ebinnya ebinene, okusimba emitayimbwa eminene n'okuyiwa enkokoto okuwanirira bbulooka n'ebintu ebirala ebingi by'okozesa waggulu n'okunyweza kkolomu.   Wabula mu nkola y'okukozesa ebyuma bya IBM,  omusingi tegubeera munene   era ekizimbe tekibeera  kizito.

Osobola okukyusa oba okuzimba dizayini yonna gy'oyagala kubanga ebyuma osooka kubyokya nga kyangu okwongerako oba okuggyako ebimu ekitasoboka ng'okozesa bbulooka mpozzi ng'omenya ebisenge ebimu ate nga bino bireetera ennyumba okunafuwa. 

Enzimba eno ekekkereza etya?                                                                                                                                                             Kazibwe agamba nti tebakozesa mitayimbwa ekifuula okuzimba okw'ebbeeyi.  Tebeetaaga miti okuwanirira siraabu n'embaawo. Ate bateekako enkokoto ntono okusinziira ku nzimba eya bulijjo. 

Obuwangaazi buli butya?                                                                                                                                                                         Engeri ekizimbe kyonna gye kijjudde ebyuma okuviira ddala wansi, ennyumba eno kizibu okutawaanyizibwa kibuyaga ne musisi ng'ayise. Kazibwe agamba nti ebizimbe bino bisobola okuwangaala emyaka egisoba mu 100. Enzimba eno okusinga eri China, Dubai, Egypt n'amawanga amalala agalina ebizimbe bya kalina ebisinga obuwanvu kyokka ne wano tugyetaaga naddala mu kiseera kino ng'ettaka lifuuse akataka era bangi batandise okugijjumbira. 

Omuntu asobola okusasula ekibanja mpola?                                                                                                                                   Kazibwe agamba nti okusinziira ku ngeri ekirwadde kya ssennyiga omukambwe gye kikunyizzaamu abantu n'abamu ne beekyawa, tekinologiya gwe bakozesa akuyamba okuzimba ennyumba mu bitundutundu nga bw'onoonya ssente mpolampola oba muyinza okutuuka ku nzikiriziganya n'obasasulako ne bakuzimbira ennyumba ssente endala n'ozisasula mpolampola.

I still love her – A pass on ex, Winnie

By Ahmad Muto Singer Apass has finally revealed he is not nolonger together with her one time Snapchat popular girlfriend Winnie. The lady he once said he hooked up off the social media platform is based in Sweden. He made the revelation during the Twitter Q&A session when a tweep asked him about what happened, […]

Okulunda enkoko kunnyambye okukyusa obulamu

Okulunda enkoko kunnyambye okukyusa obulamu

OBULUNZI bw'enkoko mulimu ogwetaagamu obuyiiya bw'oba waakugufunamu. George Ssemugenyi, 60, omutuuze e Mpangala-Buddo mulunzi wa nkoko ez'amagi, embizzi, embuzi n'okulima.

Ssemugenyi ng'asitudde amaggi.

Ssemugenyi agamba nti yatandikira mu kulima kwokka ng'alima kasooli, muwogo, amatooke nti kyokka yalina ekirooto ky'okulunda enkoko era mu 2012 yasalawo okuteeka mu nkola ekirooto kye eky'okulunda enkoko z'amagi nga yatandika n'enkoko 70 zokka naye leero yeenyumiriza w'atuuse kubanga alina enkoko ezisoba mu 1500 ku ffaamu ye.

Buli luvannyuma lwa wiiki ntunda ttule ezisoba mu 100 nga Okulunda enkoko kunnyambye okukyusa obulamu buli ttule ngitunda 8,500/-kyokka ssinga omuntu ajja ng'ayagala nkoko ezo buli emu ngitunda 15,000/- ne 17,000/-nga kisinziira ku bungi bw'enkoko by'oyagala okugula.

AKATALE Abantu ku byalo ebituliraanye omuli Maggwa, Kabinja, Nakasozi n'ebirala be nguza amagi ate n'abasuubuzi ab'enjawulo bajja nga baganoonya.

OBUYONJO KIKULU MU KULUNDA ENKOKO                                                                                                                               Ssemugenyi agamba nti ssinga omulunzi w'enkoko tafaayo kuyonja kiyumba buli lunaku yandyekanga ng'obulwadde buzirumbye ate n'afiirizibwa. Ssemugenyi agamba nti omulunzi yenna okufuna mu nkoko olina okulaba nga ziriira mu budde okukuwa ekiwera.

NNUNDA N'EBISOLO EBIRALA                                                                                                                                                                   Okulunda enkoko si gwe mulimu gwokka gwe nkola wabula nnunda embizzi era kati ku ffaamu yange nninako embizzi ezisoba mu 20 nga buli kyana eky'omwezi ogumu nkitunda 130,000/-ate enkulu ntundira wakati wa 400,000/- ne 600,000/-. Kuno ngattako okulanda embuzi, ekinnyamba okufuna ekiwera ne nsobola okweyimirizaawo n'abantu bange.

OKUYAMBA ABALALA Nnina omukozi omu owenkalakkalira gwe nsasula 100,000/- buli mwezi wabula nnina n'abakozi abalala abannyambako mu mirimu egitali gimu nga bano mbasasula okusinziira ku mirimu gye baba bakoze.

Abaana n'omukyala bannyabye naddala mu kaseera kano nga bonna bali waka era nga ssente zonna ze nnaalisaasaanyirizza ku bakozi nsobodde okuzikolamu ebintu ebirala .

EBISOOMOOZA Emmere yaazo erinnya kumpi buli lukya nga kale olina okuba omuyiiya ennyo okusobola okulaba ng'emmere ebeerawo nkoko zisobole okubiika

6 NUP supporters involved in accident after being teargassed

A sombre mood has engulfed the National Unity Platform community in Mukono after six of their colleagues got involved in a serious motor accident. 

Six of the supporters who have been travelling in a Super Custom vehicle have been rushed Kawolo hospital in Lugazi municipality under critical condition. 

The van crashed in the middle of a sugarcane plantation at Nagojje where police diverted NUP presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi's convoy from accessing the major trading centres of Mayangayanga, Namataba and Kayanja. 

According to Benard Ssempaka four of the injured NUP supporters are currently in the intensive care unit. He notes that they are currently attended to by health workers though they are still in comma. 

One of the survivors, Margret Ssimbwa the wife of the Nakifuma County NUP flagbearer Fred Ssimbwa, says the driver lost control after police fired tear gas to stop them from following Kyagulanyi. 

"The road is too slippery, it needed driving with a lot of care but after police firing teargas, the driver lost control making the vehicle overturn," said Ssimbwa. 

Meanwhile, there is slow traffic flow after police mounting roadblocks along Kampala-Jinja road to prevent Kyagulanyi supporters from proceeding with the journey. 


Buli Munnayuganda yeemanyiize okutereka

Buli Munnayuganda yeemanyiize okutereka

BANNAUGANDA balabuddwa okukomya omuze gw'okukaabira Gavumenti ku busonga obutaliimu wabula beemanyiize okutereka ssente entono ze bafuna.

Amagezi gano gaabawereddwa, Rogers Kakeeto, omukugu mu byenfuna okuva mu UGAFODE Micro Finance bwe yabadde e Wandegeya ku mukolo ogwategekeddwa UGAFODE okusiima abamu ku bakasitoma baabwe abasobodde okutereka mu kiseera kya corona.

Kakeeto yategeezezza nti ekisibye abantu emabega kwe kulowoolereza mu kufuna eby'obwereere okuva mu Gavumenti ne balemwa n'okukola ebintu eby'enkulakulana. Kakeeto aliko ebirabo eby'enjawulo omuli, ttivvi, obugaali, sola bye baawadde abamu ku bantu abaasobodde okutereka mu kiseera kino.

Bobi Wine agumizza abawagizi be: OBUWAGIZI BUJJA

Bobi Wine agumizza abawagizi be: OBUWAGIZI BUJJA

ROBERT Kyagulanyi (Bobi Wine) olwavudde e Luweero gye yakubye olukuhhaana olumu kw'ezo ezikyasinze obunene n'agumya abawagizi be nti ensolo ku kizigo kweri, obuwanguzi bujja. Yalombozze obulippo n'okunyigirizibwa kw'ayiseemu ng'ayigga akalulu wiiki ebbiri ezisoose kyokka n'awaga nti bimwongedde buvumu.

Abamu ku bantu abaabadde balinze Bobi Wine e Luweero.

Wano we yakiggyiddeyo nti abamu ku baserikale abeetabye mu kumunyigiriza bamaze okubatwala mu kkooti okuli n'abaduumizi ba poliisi n'amagye mu ggwanga. Ensonga ez'enjawulo eziruma eggwanga ng'ekibbattaka, obwavu, Bobi ng'ali mu maka ge e Magere yabyogeddeko nga bw'ajuliza ku byawandiikibwa mu bitabo ebitukuvu nti ye alinga David, Katonda gwe yawa amaanyi n'akuba Goriyaasi ejjinja n'amuwangula.

We yayogeredde yabadde yaakava e Nakaseke gye yatuukidde wakati mu kusoomoozebwa kubanga e Nakasongola gye yasoose waabaddeyo okukuba abawagizi be emiggo. Bwe yatuuse e Luweero n'ayita bazadde b'omwana, Arnold Walusimbi 14, gwe baakubye amasasi ne gamutta mu kwekalakaasa.

Nnyina w'omwana Harriet Nakamya ne kitaawe, Walusimbi baategeezezza ng'omwana waabwe bwe yali ava okugula chipusi ne bamukuba amasasi, n'afa, yakkirizza nti omwana we k'afuuke ssaddaaka. Bobi Wine mu kwogera yajjukizza ne Hakim Ssekamwa eyatomerwa emmotoka ya poliisi e Luweero, kyokka yagumizza nti olwamuwandiika okuvuganya ku bwapulezidenti n'aggalawo ekitabo ky'okukaaba kati yaggulawo eky'okukola.

Olwatuuse e Nakaseke, omubaka Ssemakula Luttamaguzi n'amuloopera nti ettaka ly'abantu mu bitundu bya Luweero balibbye okulimalawo. Baatandise okwasanguza amannya g'abaserikale be bagamba nti be babakolako effujjo. Ono olwawummuzizza omuzindaalo, Mathias Mpuuga amyuka pulezidenti wa NUP atwala ebitundu bya Buganda n'agukwata. "Abantu b'olaba wano kwe kwewaayo kwa Luweero okwenunula".

Ng'asinziira e Magere yagambye nti ebimu ku bikaluubirizza kkampeyini ze, kati baamuteekako akamotoka akaliko ekkomera mwe baamukwatira e Luuka akamulondoola buli wamu. Kuno boongeddeko emmotoka z'ebitongole by'ebyokwerinda ezitaliiko nnamba ezirimu abantu abamulondoola.

Tebakomye awo, bataddewo abaserikale abeesabika ne beebikka amaaso abamulondoola buli w'alaga nga tamanyi kye bamwagaza. Yagambye nti abantu b'e Nakaseke be balwanyi abatuufu kyokka bangi ku baalwana bali mu mbeera mbi tebasasulwanga.

Wano abantu baayisizzaamu amaloboozi nti n'ennyumba mwe basula zitonnya era buli kkampeyini lwe zituuka ba basuubiza. "Eyo yonna gye mpise ndabye ebijjukizo by'abantu abattibwa, mwe wano mutambulira ku malaalo era nkimanyi ebiwundu bingi ku mwoyo tebinnaba kuwona," bwe yaggumizza. Yayongeddeko nti bangi abalima balabye ebbeeyi y'ebirime egwa buli kiseera nga n'ettaka kwe balimira balitutte. 

OMUDUUMIZI WA POLIISI AVUDDEYO KU BY'OKUTULU GUNYA ABEESIMBYEWO                                                                        Wabula Kyagulanyi nga yeemulugunya ku baserikale, omuduumizi wa poliisi mu ggwanga, Martin Okoth Ochola ayanukudde ssentebe w'akakiiko k'ebyokulonda, Omulamuzi Simon Byabakama, ku bbaluwa gye yamuwandiikidde nga November 26, nti waliwo abeesimbyewo abeemulugunya ku poliisi okubatulugunya.
IGP Okoth Ochola.
Ochola yategeezezza nti ebbaluwa teyalaze muntu ki eyeemulugunya era yeemulugunya ku baserikale ki ne gye basangibwa. Yamusabye alambulule ku nsonga ezo kubanga bo nga poliisi babadde bali mu kukwasisa biragiro n'amateeka g'ebyobulamu kyokka nga bakikola wakati mu bantu okubasosonkereza.

Land wrangle: Mukono residents celebrate death of landlord

Residents of Lwanyonyi-Kirangira in Nama sub-county in Mukono district have held a feast to celebrate the death of their landlord, Israel Dickson Banoba. The late Banoba, who has been feuding with the residents over land for the last 30 years, suffered a heart failure on Monday last week.  

The residents have for years, accused Banoba of forcefully evicting them from their land and corruptly dragging them to court. The news of his death brought joy to the residents. On Thursday about 80 residents led by Umalu Ssebuyonjo slaughtered a cow and roasted the meat on the contested land to celebrate Banoba's demise.    

Ssebuyonjo says that they held the feast to wash away the pain the deceased had caused them.
"It's not so usual for people to be happy when someone dies. However, with what Banoba put us through while he was still alive, we deserve to celebrate because he is finally gone," he said.

Adding that, "Let this be an example for people who grab other people's land and evict people off the land. The people will do this to you." Jeffrey Zziwa, another resident says they will start to repossess their land when Banoba is finally laid to rest on Saturday.

"After burying him, we shall all go back to our land where we were evicted from," he said.
The residents also mockingly installed a puppy as Banoba's heir. In May 2018, Banoba secured a court order allowing him to evict over 200 people from the contested land.
Residents mockingly install a puppy as Banoba's heir
The deceased was accused of taking advantage of the night-time curfew in April 2020 to destroy several crop gardens on the disputed land belonging to residents. While still alive the late Banoba earlier told URN that he bought the contested land measuring about 200 acres from Dr. Emmanuel Lumu in 1971.


Court set to hear unresolved 2016 election petitions

The Court of Appeal has fixed the hearing of appeals arising from the 2016 general election and subsequent by-elections alongside other 40 civil appeals which will be handled in a two-week session starting today November 30, 2020.

According to a communication from the judiciary, the session will be handled by justices; Catherine Bamugemereire, Stephen Musota and Muzamiru M. Kibeedi.

The court's acting assistant registrar, Mary Babirye says the justices have dedicated the first two days of the session to handle the remaining election petition appeals.

"All the matters to be handled on Monday and Tuesday are election-related matters that were filed much later; the prime of which arose from the recent by-elections," says Babirye adding that they had to fast-track election matters due to their urgency; much as the court usually follows the principle of first in, first out.

Among the cases to be handled is that of Lubaga South MP Paul Kato Lubwama who seeks to overturn the ruling of the High court which allowed Habib Buwembo to file an election petition against Lubwama out of the stipulated time of 30 days after gazetting the results.

Following the court's verdict, Lubwama sought leave of Court of Appeal to appeal the trial judge's verdict. Leave was granted two months ago hence the present appeal.

In another appeal, Herbert Kinobere, the Kibuku County MP is appealing the decision of the Mbale High court which had nullified his victory in 2016 over lack of requisite qualifications. Kinobere has since enjoyed an uninterrupted stay in parliament due to the court of appeal's delay to dispose of the matter.

Legislator Paul Mwiru is also appealing the decision of the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) for unlawful cancellation of academic papers. Articles 140 and 104 of the Constitution requires the judiciary to expeditiously hear and determine electoral petitions and may, for that purpose, suspend any other matter pending before it to dispose of such petitions.

In April 2016, the then principal judge Yorokamu Bamwine said the judiciary had allocated the first six months to handle election petitions arising from the February 2016 polls. However, this wasn't the case as over 10 petitions were pending disposal by 2018 and some of which have never been determined as another general election draws close.

Meanwhile, another team of justices; Elizabeth Musoke, Hellen Obura, and Remmy Kasule are heading to Lira, come December 14 where they will hear another 40 criminal appeals before Christmas sets in.


Gov’t sets up national task force to stop misuse of mosquito nets

The ministry of Health has set up a national task force to prevent the misuse of mosquito nets delivered by the government.

The team will be led by resident district commissioners (RDCs) deputised by district health officers. Each district team will have committee members who will include: district vector control officers and district surveillance officers.

Also, sub-county task forces have been formed to closely monitor operations at the community level. The sub-county task force is comprised of seven members headed by the sub-county chief, health educator, health assistants, and a representative from the community.

The ministry says the task forces at village level will be supported by the Local Council (LCI), village health teams, and the police, who will monitor the operations at parish level.

According to the ministry, the teams are going to monitor the rampant misuse of mosquito nets. This comes as many people use the government-supplied mosquito nets to protect their nursery beds, sew wedding dresses or for fishing.

Dr. Henry Mwebesa, the director general of health services says they have decided to set up task forces to stop the abuse of nets that usually follows mass campaigns.

He says the village health teams will move around in communities to ensure that people are using the nets in the right way. Dr. Mwebesa says this way, they believe people will use them better for their intended purpose.

"Village teams have been asked to move from house to house to monitor the use of these nets. They have also been assigned to continually sensitize the communities on the proper use of nets, net care, net repair, and net repurposing," he said.

In addition to this, the task force will also investigate cases of theft of nets or re-sell of the nets.

"We have received a number of reports that some random individuals have resorted to selling recently distributed mosquito nets to raise money due to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Dr. Mwebesa said in a statement.

Data from the ministry of Health shows that the number of malaria deaths and cases in the country increased last year. According to the ministry of Health, last year, the prevalence of malaria in the country shot up and now stands at 15 per 100,000 people of the population compared to 8.3 per 100,000 people in 2018/19.

Dr. Jimmy Opigo,the head of the malaria control programme says the increase in cases was due to heavy rains and defunct mosquito nets.

"Mosquito nets' use is one of the easiest ways Uganda has used to bring down the prevalence of malaria. However, last year some of the nets had grown old while some had holes and probably this led to what we saw," he added.

Government is conducting the third universal coverage campaign for the distribution of long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets intended to reduce malaria mortality and morbidity through the use of mosquito nets.

A total of 27.5 million are expected to be given out covering the entire country by February 2021. So far a total of 92 districts have been covered in three waves which commended in August 2020.

The next wave of the campaign will see the distribution of the mosquito nets in; Nakasongola, Bugweri, Busia, Kamuli, Namayingo, Buvuma, Kassanda, Mubende, Ssembabule, Kwana, Zombo, Yumbe, Terego, Pakwach, Omoro, Obongo, Nwoya, Nebbi, Moyo, Maracha, Madi Okollo, and lastly Pader.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Omusumba Joel Kakembo akunze abasumba okwetaba mu lukung'aana lwa 'Love Family Day'

Omusumba Joel Kakembo akunze abasumba okwetaba mu lukung'aana lwa 'Love Family Day'

Omusumba Joel Kakembo owa Mt. Zion Church Gayaza era akulira Upper Room Pastors Network, akubirizza abasumba okwetaba mu lukung'aana lw'okwagala olutuumiddwa 'Culture of honor and love family day' olugenda okubaawo nga 3 December 2020 ku Lwokusatu lwa wiiki eno.

Bishop. Kakembo agamba nti yalung'amizibwa mwoyo mutukuvu okutegeka olukung'aana luno olw'okuwagalana n'okuwang'ana ekitiibwa n'ekigendererwa okugatta abasumba okuva mu makanisa ag'enjawulo okubeera obumu mu Kristo Yesu nga Yesu yennyini bwe yakyogerako mu Yokaana 17 ng'asaba omubiri gwa Kristo okubeera obumu.

Bp. Kakembo nga y'atwala amakanisa ga Mt. Zion agenjawulo agamba nti ekigenderwa ky'olukung'aana luno kwe kulaba nga bamenya omwoyo w'obutawang'ana kitiibwa nga Abasumba abaayitibwa mu kisibo kya Kristo okulyowa emyoyo n'okumenya omwoyo w'okuvuganya mu basumba abenjawulo.

Agamba nti baagala okulaba nga n'abakedde mu bitundu ebyenjawulo wamu ne basajja bakatonda wamu n'abakyala abakulanye mu myaka ne mu kigambo baweebwa ekitiibwa.

" Olunaku lw'okwagalana nga abooluganda mu Kristo lugendereddwa kugabana emikisa n'Love family day means to love and acknowledge each other and share opportunities to one another.

Olukung'aana lwasooka kutegekebwa nga 29th / September/2020 ku FAIRWAY HOTEL mu Kampala era luddiddwaamu omulundi ogwokubiri nga ku luno lutegekeddwa Kasangati ku Resort Hotel nga 2nd / December/2020.

Aboogezi abakulu ye: Apostle Dr. Jonh Bunjo, Paasita Irene Manjeri, Bishop Edward Lubwama ne Dr. Robert Kamanda.

Okuyingira 30,000/-.

Nnamukadde yeekubidde enduulu ku baana abamugoba ku ttaka

Nnamukadde yeekubidde enduulu ku baana abamugoba ku ttaka

Nnamukadde Teddy Nakirijja 75, nnamwandu w'omugenzi Disan Mukasa yeekubidde enduulu mu ofiisi y'omukulembeze w'eggwanga okumutaasa ku baana abamugoba ku ttaka lya bbaawe.  

Nnamwandu Teddy Nakirijja.

Ku Ssande, State House yasindise Nashan Bwogi okutabaganya abantu bano ng'era olukiiko lwabadde ku kyalo Mpooma -Mukono Town Council awali ettaka lino.

Olukiiko we lwaggweredde nga nnamukadde n'abaana batuuse kunzikkiriziganya nga bagenda kuteekawo embeera y'okugabana ettaka lino okwewala okuyiwa omusaayi. Nnamukadde abadde n'abaana be okuli: Rebecca Nassali 60, John Misango Lukwago 52 ne Patrick Katumba Lugajju 44.

Abamu ku bantu abaabadde mu lukiiko.

 Kigambibwa nti ettaka lino omugenzi Disan Mukasa yaligula mu 1959 ku mugenzi George Wilson Ssali. Ku ttaka lino Ssali kwe yali aziika abantu be era ne bateesa ne Mukasa  n'amukutulirako ekitundu waaziika.

Kyokka abaana ba Ssali okuli: James Tamale, John Bunjako, Kafeero, Ssekitoleko, Nantongo n'abalala baalaba Mukasa afudde kwe kutandika okutulugunya ffamire  ya Mukasa nga bagamba nti ettaka lyabwe era we baziika. Baddukira mu kkooti bagobemu abenganda za Mukasa.

Nashan Bwogi yalagidde abaana ba Ssali babaweeko ekitundu ku ttaka lino kyokka ku ludda we baziika. Olukiiko luno lwetabiddwaamu looya Benard Kyobe owa sayidi ya Mukasa,abakulembeze b'ekyalo n'abatuuze.

Balaajanidde poliisi ku loole eyagudde mu kkubo

Balaajanidde poliisi ku loole eyagudde mu kkubo

Abatuuze b'e Luseera - Kateera e Kiboga balaajana olw'ekimotoka ekizibye ekkubo lyabwe nga kati kimaze wiiki nnamba bukyanga ky'ekiika mu kkubo. 
Owa bbooda nga yeewaganya wansi wa loole.
Bano baalabiddwaako ng'abamu bayita wansi w'ekimmotoka nga n'aba bboodabbooda batetenkanya pikipiki zaabwe ne bayita wansi w'ekimmotoka mu bunkenke obw'ekitalo. 
Bwe twogeddeko n'abamu ku bakozesa ekkubo lino naddala aba bboodabbooda  batugambye nti bakooye okuyisa pikipiki zaabwe wansi nga waliwo n'ababasaba ssente 1,000/- okuyitawo. 
Mmotoka kati tezirina we ziyita okuggyako okwetooloola ne bagwa e Busunju kyokka nga bakozesa amafuta mangi. Basabye aba UMEME okuggyayo mmotoka eno mu bwangu kubanga yabadde etwala miti gyabwe. (Ebif. Bya Abu Batuusa)

Luweero residents brave bullets, teargas to attend Bobi Wine rally

Hundreds of National Unity Platform (NUP) supporters in Luweero overcame state intimidation and trekked for over 13kms to attend the campaign rally of their presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine in Kalwana in Kassanda. 
Earlier, Kyagulanyi was denied access to Kassanda town as the police blocked the roads leading to the central business district. He was led through Kookoowe, Kabulubutu, Seeta and Kitongo villages to Kalwana playground where he held his rally about 13km away from Kassanda town centre.
But despite firing teargas at his supporters and bullets in the air to scare and block the residents from attending Kyagulanyi's rally, the high numbers of supporters overwhelmed police who simply looked on as hundreds of people poured in to attend Kyagulanyi's rally in Kalwana. 
Kyagulanyi told the locals that such spirit and determination is what is needed to overthrow President Yoweri Museeni from power after 35 years. Kyagulanyi said that the struggle he is leading to liberate Ugandans from bad governance is real and irreversible. Kyagulanyi says that although some leaders in the current regime are creating an impression that he cannot be president due to his age and ghetto background, it is evident that he is a threat to the regime, citing the numerous security personnel who trail him during the campaigns.
"Freedom is when you overcome love of money and fear of death," Kyagulanyi said.
"When you don't love money, no one can buy off. You have seen some of our colleagues being bought off. And when you don't fear death nobody can intimidate you. I have news for you Mr. Museveni; we are no longer scared. Give us liberty or death. You can't kill us all. Luweero you see, you made it here to my rally because you overcame your fear despite security intimidating, beating you, arresting some of you. You overcame bullets. Those who feared are not here. That is the power of the people. Don't fear the army or police. Our brothers and sisters in the army and police are only 60,000 and we're 43 million, and let tell you 90% of those soldiers support us and will join us when the day comes," Kyagulanyi told the excited crowd. 
Kyagulanyi also asked the youth to desist from acts of violence even when they are provoked by security personnel. He condemned the police for denying him access to major towns and the people therein but he considered it as an opportunity for him to meet even those people in remote areas of the country.
He said he is a different opposition candidate whose modus operandi has become a constant headache to Museveni. According to Kyagulanyi, although Museveni and his state machinery knew how to handle the threat of previous opposition candidates including Dr Kawanga Ssemwogerere and Dr Kizza Besigye, the youth this time, he said are determined and operating differently. He urged the residents to come on January 14, 2021, and vote in big numbers just like they are attending his rallies but also stay around to guard their ballots. 
"I have no attachment whatsoever to Museveni or his regime, he can't read me my next move. He has previously read and figured out how to deal with other opposition politicians, but for me, he can't figure out how to deal with me because I'm a youth and am from the ghetto. We're a generation which is not concerned about tribes, we just want a peaceful change of leadership. We're tired of Museveni's lies and empty promises. He broke a promise of handing back power to the people after 4 years when he killed thousands of our people in Luweero. None of those people he killed was from his family," Kyagulanyi said.

Kyagulanyi used the rally to invite to the podium Agnes Nakamya, the mother of a 14-year-old boy who was allegedly shot dead by Abraham Tukundane, the Luwero district police commander  (DPC) during protests against Kyagulanyi's arrest and detention two weeks ago. 
"My son was shot dead by the DPC Tukundane. It is painful but let my son's life not go in vain. I pray to God that he becomes a martyr for this struggle. Once Bobi Wine becomes president, I will have peace of mind and deal with this pain. I have now made up my mind, me and my entire family we're going to vote Bobi Wine. I no longer care or fear, they can come and arrest me but I have declared publicly here, am voting for Bobi Wine. Those people killed my son," Nakamya said. 
Kassanda North MP Patrick Nsamba earlier told Kyagulanyi that among the major challenges faced by the people in the district is Museveni's brother, Aine Sodo Kaguta one of the contestants for the Mawogola North MP seat in Sembabule district who has allegedly taken over ownership of almost all the gold mines within Kassanda.

Nsamba also rubbished the allegations traded by the ruling NRM government that once Kyagulanyi is elected president, all non- Baganda will be evicted from their land. 
Kyagulanyi said he'd become angry with the residents of Luweero for always falling for Museveni's lies by overwhelming voting for him in previous elections despite him killing over 500,000 people of their family members during the NRA bush wars. Kyagulanyi said Uganda is a rich country but its riches are being enjoyed by President Museveni and his family. 
Before descending to Luweeeo, Kyagulanyi again clashed with police in Nakasongola over alleged intimidation of his supporters. At around 10 am, Kyagulanyi arrived at Lwamutoogo cattle market in Nakasongola town council to hold his campaign rally. However, Kyagulanyi was surprised to find the venue with less than 30 people after security personnel blocked locals from accessing it.

Kyagulanyi forced his way through a police blockade and drove to his NUP offices located inside Nakasongola town council. He started to mobilise the residents to come with him to the campaign venue, located about three kilometres from Nakasongola town council. 

On his return from the mobilisation drive, soldiers and police officers commanded by Patience Namara again blocked the crowd from accessing the venue on grounds that it would be in contravention of the COVID-19 guidelines against mass rallies. Kyagulanyi protested the action and disembarked from his vehicle before again walking back to town, calling on the residents to come to the venue so he can address them.

With tensions rising, Savannah regional police commander (RPC) Susan Nalwoga intelligently pleaded with Kyagulanyi to return to the campaign venue promising that she was going to order the police to allow his supporters to enter the campaign venue. With Nalwoga coming good on her word, the rising tensions were quickly diffused and supporters allowed to pour into the venue. 
The previous day, Kyagulanyi clashed with DPC Namara at Migyera town council after she chased him from the township where he and his team spent the night in cold on the roadside after she denied him access to hotels where he had booked accommodation.

While addressing the residents, Kyagulanyi asked residents to remain strong despite intimidation they are facing from security personnel. Kyagulanyi promised to ensure residents reclaim ownership of their land which he alleges has been grabbed, leaving many evicted and other squatters. He also promised to stop the brutality of UPDF soldiers targeting fishermen on Lake Kyoga once elected president.

Ivan Kyeyune, the NUP candidate for Nakasongola county said they had planned to organise a rally at Nakasongola RC primary school but police blocked it and ordered to organise it in a remote area. Kyeyune added policemen also mounted several roadblocks and threatened to arrest residents who would cross to attend the rally.

Nathan Musoke,  the NUP candidate for Budyebo County says that other residents said they were put on a crime watch list and their names read out on local radio so as to intimidate them. Musoke says that intimidation was intended to ensure Kyagulanyi does not speak to people in what is formerly known as an NRM stronghold which is falling to the opposition. Musoke adds that boda boda riders were intimidated not to escort Kyagulanyi to the venue or else face arrest.


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Olwaleero Pulezidenti Museveni agguddewo akatale e Tororo akatuumidwa Tororo Central Market .

Olwaleero Pulezidenti Museveni agguddewo akatale e Tororo akatuumidwa Tororo Central Market .

Olwaleero Pulezidenti Museveni agguddewo akatale e Tororo akatuumidwa Tororo Central Market .

Akatale kano kazimbidwa nga ka mutindo gwa waggulu nnyo era  kaakukolebwamu abasuubuzi abasoba mu 2000 era kabalirwamu obuwumbi 28.

Pulezidenti Ng'agenda Okuggulawo Akatale K'e Tororo

Akatale Bwe Kalabika Munda

Kaabuyonjo Eziri Mu Katale K'e Tororo.

Emidaala Nga Bwe Gifaanana

Erimu Mu Mafumbiro Agali Mu Katale Kano.

Amuriat abuuzizza ku balonzi ng'agenda e Kabale

Amuriat abuuzizza ku balonzi ng'agenda e Kabale

PATRICK Oboi  Amuriat (POA) eyeesimbyewo ku bwa pulezidenti owa FDC   ayolekera Kabale naye asoose  ku ssundiro ly'amafuta e Biharwe-Mbarara nga wano abawagizi olufunye amawulire nti  POA wali ne batandika okwesomba omu kw'omu okumubuuzaako.

Kasasa ebbanja lw'eddwaaliro limuggye ku kitanda ayimbire Mbidde mu kampeyini

Kasasa ebbanja lw'eddwaaliro limuggye ku kitanda ayimbire Mbidde mu kampeyini

Omuyimbi Disan Kasasa adduse ku kitanda ayimbire Mukasa awone ebbanja ly'eddwaaliro.

Omuyimbi ono era omuzannyi wa firimu z'Ebinnayuganda Ssaalongo Dissan Kasasa obwetaavu bwa ssente tebumuganyizza kusooka kuwona bulungi ebiwundu by'akabenje akamukomezza ku mugo gw'entaana.

Kasasa avudde ku kitanda mu ddwaaliro ekkulu e Masaka gy'ajjanjabirwa ebisago n'addayo ku siteegi okuyimba okuyimbira munna DP Fred Mukasa Mbidde avuganya ekifo ky'omubaka wa Paalamenti owa Nyendo-Mukungwe mu Masaka City.

Kasasa Ng Bamuyoolayoola Okumutwala Mu Ddwaaliro

Kasasa Nga Yaakatomerwa Bodaboda

Kasasa Ng'ayimba Mu Lukungaana Lwa Mbidde

Kasasa Ng'ayimba Akutte Ku Muwagizi Wa Mbidde.

Mbidde Ng'azinira Abawagizi Be E Masaka.

Kasasa akabenje yaakafuna wiiki ewedde mu kabuga k'e Mpugwe bwe yatomerwa bodaboda ng'ava ku siteegi okuyimbirako Mbidde. 

Yategeezezza nti Mbidde yamupatana era nga akasente kamuwa kalina okukozesa okusasula ebbanja ly'eddwaaliro.

Mu lukiiko Mbidde lw'akubye mu kabuga k'e Matanga azze ne Kasasa  n'akakasa abawagizi nti teyafudde kuba Katonda y'alabye ng'akyalina  ekkatala ly'okusanyusa abantu be.

Mbidde abasabye bamusindike mu Paalamenti abalwanirire kw'abo abayinza okulibatwalako ettaka mu lukujjukujju.

Museveni asuubizza okuyamba abasuubuzi abaakosebwa omuggalo

Museveni asuubizza okuyamba abasuubuzi abaakosebwa omuggalo

PULEZIDENTI Museveni asuubizza okussa mu bajeti y'eggwanga ssente ez'okudduukirira abasuubuzi ne bannannyini bizinensi ezaakosebwa omuggalo gwa Corona.

Okwogera bino yasinzidde mu disitulikiti ye Sironko ku ssomero lya Masaba SS mu lukungaana lwa kampeyini z'obwapulezidenti olwetabiddwaamu abakulembeze ba NRM ku mitendera egy'enjawulo okuva mu disitulikiti ye Bulambuli ne Sironko.

Museveni yagambye nti abantu b'omu Bugisu abalina bizinensi ezaakosebwa ennyo mu biseera eby'omuggalo be bamu ku bagenda okuyambibwako.

Mu ngeri y'emu yabasuubizza amazzi ga ppayipu amayonjo agakozesebwa awaka wamu n'amazzi ag'okweyambisa okufukirira ebirime.

Ensonga y'okubakolera enguudo nayo yagikoonyeeko n'abategeeza nti ku mulundi guno
ensonga eziruma abantu ze zigenda okusinga okuteekebwako essira kwe
kusaba ababaka ba Palamenti okwewala okuyimbagatanya ebintu ebingi wabula
basoosowaze ensonga ezikwata ku muntu waabulijjo.

Pulezidenti Museveni (akutte Bendera) Ng'atongoza Omulimu Gw'okukola Oluguudo Lwa Muyembe   Nakapiripiriti

Museveni yatumye abakulembeze ba NRM okunnyonnyola abantu ebirungi NRM byekoze era babategeeze nga kati bwe waliwo ssente ezimala ezisobola okugonjoola ebizibu ebisinga ebibadde bikyanyigiriza abantu ba wansi.

Yakubirizza Bannayuganda okuzuukuka beenyigire mu bulimi obuvaamu emmere ey'okulya wamu n'okutundako okusobola okubaako ne ssente mu nsawo.

Yennyamidde olwa bbanka eziyitirizza okunyuunyuuta abantu nga gabaggyako amagoba
amangi ku ssente ze babeera beewoze n'ategeeza nti ekizibu kino kyakugonjoolwa mu
nteekateeka ya Gavumenti ey'emyooga kuba abantu bajja kuba baweebwa ssente ez'okutandika n'okwongera mu bizinensi zaabwe kibayambeko okukendeeza okuddukiranga mu bbanka okwewola.

Bwe yabadde tannatuuka Sironko, Pulezidenti Museveni yasookedde Muyembe mu disitulikiti y'e Bulambuli n'atongoza okukola oluguudo lwa Muyembe - Nakapiripiriti
oluweza kkiromita 92.

Enguudo endala ze yakoonyeeko okukola kuliko; Nalugugu- Budadiri- Mutufu, Namagumba - Budadiri- Nalugugu ne Nabumali - Butaleja - Namutumba Yagambye okwongera okukola lye ddongoosezo ly'amazzi erya Sipi Water Supply erigenda okubeera erya maanyi nga ligabira ebimu ku bitundu mu Bugisu ne Teso okufuna amazzi g'emidumu.


Kasumba angers tweeps claiming he earns more than sh3.5M monthly

By Ahmad Muto Media personality Samson Kasumba has angered a section of social media following his revelation that years ago he earned little money but now pockets more than sh3.5 million per month. This was in reference to a statement made by president Museveni in 2016 quoted by the Daily Monitor that in 2020, all […]

Abavubuka babaleetedde akuuma akakebera siriimu mu kamwa

Abavubuka babaleetedde akuuma  akakebera siriimu mu kamwa

ABASAWO okuva mu ddwaaliro ly'e Kisugu n'abakungu mu kitongole kya Amerika ekya PEPFAR ne gavumenti batongozza kaweefube w'okukebera abavubuka siriimu mu munisipaali y'e Makindye.

Batongozza akuuma akapya ak'okukebera akawuka ka mukenenya ng'osobola okukayisa
mu kamwa ng'akasenya mu kifo ky'okukuggyako musaayi nga bakozesa empiso.

Richard Asingwire eyakuliddemu kaweefube ono yagambye nti akuuma akaaleeteddwa
kalungi n'akubiriza abavubuka okwekebeza.

Kasim Ssekimpi, ssentebe LC 1 e Lukuli, Makindye yasabye abavubuka okujjumbira enkola eno.

Police force Bobi Wine out of Nakasongola, block rallies in Luweero

The National Unity Platform presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine was today Friday forced out by Migyera town council by  Nakasongola district police commander, Patience Namara. 

Kyagulanyi on Thursday spent the night in his car along the road in Migyera town council in Nakasongola after police blocked from accessing hotels in Nakasongola. It all started when upon reaching Migyera town at 9 pm, police officers and soldiers of Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF) commanded by the officer in charge of Migyera police station only identified as Byaruhanga blocked Kyagulanyi and his entourage from entering the town. 

Kyagulanyi pleaded with security personnel to allow him to proceed to Masindi or Hoima to find accommodation but police refused, saying that it was now curfew time. Kyagulanyi and his team decided to spend the night in cars whereas others slept outside in cold.

This morning at around 7 am, the policemen commanded by Nakasongola DPC Namara besieged Kyagulanyi who was briefing his team and ordered him to vacate the area with immediate effect. Namara told Kyagulanyi that he is expected in Nakasongola on Saturday and he will have enough time to talk to people as scheduled.

But Kyagulanyi accused DPC Namara of being indisciplined and mistreating him to an extent that he forced him to sleep out in the cold and on the road.

"Don't be rude to us, we are Ugandans," Kyagulanyi fumed at the DPC. "Stop treating me like a foreigner. Be an officer of the law, I slept in a car and am briefing my team. Don't provoke us, be disciplined Namara."

Namara ordered Kyagulanyi to brief his team and leave quickly but she was instead booed. Kyagulanyi later told his team to refrain from engaging any police personnel because they want to provoke him to react angrily and then frame them as criminals. He directed his team to board their cars and proceed to Kyankwanzi where they would get breakfast along the way citing hostility in the town.

After the exchange, Kyagulanyi and his team later boarded their vehicles and proceeded to Kyankwanzi for campaigns. According to the campaign schedule, Kyagulanyi is expected to campaign in Nakasongola on Saturday. However, there is already tension across the area with security personnel already on the ground ahead of the campaigns.


The police confrontations with Kyagulanyi continued further on Friday after the NUP candidate was blocked from holding rallies within major town councils in the Greater Luweero districts. According to Electoral Commission campaign programme, NUP presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu is expected to campaign in Nakasongola, Luwero and Nakaseke districts on Saturday and preparations are already underway in the districts to welcome him.

But Brenda Nabukenya, the NUP coordinator for Luweero district reveals that they had planned to organize rallies within playgrounds located in major towns but police have since blocked the move.

Nabukenya explains that in Luweero town, they had organized a rally at Luweero Boys primary school, but police refused and instead directed them to shift to Ngogoro playground which is in Butuntumula sub-county. Some NUP supporters in the district who were holding drives mobilising supporters to attend tomorrow's rallies have been arrested. 

Ivan Kyeyune, the NUP candidate for Nakasongola county says that Kyagulanyi has also been blocked from holding a rally at Nakasongola RC primary school in the town council and shifted to grounds which act as a cattle market located at Lwamutoogo village in Wabinyonyi sub-county, a sparsely populated area.

Kyeyune adds that several residents have been warned by security not to attend the rally. Kyeyune adds that the move is intended to ensure that Kyagulanyi doesn't make inroads in what is considered as the ruling NRM party strongholds. Another planned rally in Migyera town was called off after police advised organisers to hold their campaign rally in Lwabyata sub-county which is sparsely populated.

Other expected rallies in Semuto and Kapeeka towns have also blocked. Kyagulanyi is expected to campaign for only three hours in each district and directed to stick to only the listed venues. Processions through villages also blocked. There already indications that roads heading to venues will be restricted to stop of the influx of supporters.

Kyagulanyi looks on as wife Barbie appeals for votes in Kiboga

Tension is mounting in the town councils and several business owners have indicated that they won't open over fears that there could be clashes between supporters and police for blocking Kyagulanyi to access them. Paul Mukungu the LC III chairman of Luweero town has faulted police for creating unnecessary panic among the public. He pleaded with police not to fire teargas in towns because it was not necessary.

Isah Ssemwogerere, the Savannah Region police spokesperson advised NUP supporters to respect the coronavirus guidelines else they will be arrested. Ssemwogerere says that policemen and UPDF soldiers are already on ground to keep law and order. Nakasongola is a stronghold for NRM where President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni scored 84.46 per cent in 2016 elections whereas his main rival Kizza Besigye got only 13.79 per cent.

In Nakaseke, Museveni obtained 76.2 per cent against Besigye's 21.2 per cent of 64,557 total votes cast for presidential polls. In Luweero, Museveni garnered 71,382 votes representing 55.78 per cent while Besigye scored 53,804 votes representing 41.1 per cent.

However, Kyagulanyi is making inroads over unfulfilled pledges of Museveni to the area. NRM officials backed by security officials are already demobilising residents not to attend Kyagulanyi rallies.


Friday, November 27, 2020

Abalima ebikozesebwa mu kusogola omwenge basabye ebbaala ziggulwe

Abalima ebikozesebwa mu kusogola omwenge basabye ebbaala ziggulwe

ABALIMA ebikozesebwa mu kusogola omwenge balaajanidde gavumenti ne bagisaba okuddiriza ku mateeka g'omuggalo ku bbaala. Bano mulimu abalima; omuwemba, muwogo, kasooli n'ebirala ebikozesebwa mu kusogola omwenge.

Abalimi bano okuva mu bitundu by'eggwanga eby'enjawulo, nga bakulembeddwa Sosimu Twesiga, baasinzidde mu lukungaana lwa bannamawulire e Lugogo.

Baalaajanidde Gavumenti okukkiriza ebbaala okuddamu okukola nabo basobole okufuna akatale k'ebirime byabwe nga bagamba kkampuni ezisogola omwenge tezikyalina busobozi kubagulako birime byabwe olw'ensonga nti omwenge gutambula kitono olw'omuggalo.

Bategeezezza nti okuva mu March bafiiriddwa ssente eziri mu buwumbi era batuuse n'okutunda ebirime byabwe ku ddondolo okwewala okufiirwa ssente zonna.

Twesiga yayongeddeko nti abalimi abamu bawaliriziddwa n'okugoba abamu ku bakozi baabwe be babadde bakozesa ku ffaamu zaabwe nga bagamba tebakyalina nsimbi za kubasasula ate n'amabanja gabali mu bulago. Bagamba ebintu byabwe bituuse okutwalibwa bbanka ezaabawola ssente.

Abalimi bano basabye Gavumenti okuggula ebbaala kiyambe kkampuni ezikola omwenge okuddamu okukola obulungi.

Engeri Maradona gye bamusinza ng'eddiini olw'omupiira n'enjaga-

Engeri Maradona gye bamusinza ng'eddiini olw'omupiira n'enjaga-

EYALI nnakinku w'okuzannya omupiira, Diego Armando Maradona yavudde mu bulamu bw'ensi eno ku Lwokusatu akawungeezi. Yabadde ssaawa ya nnaku mu Argentina ne mu bagoberezi b'omupiira mu nsi yonna.

Lumu ng'ali mu lukiiko lwa bannamawulire, munnawulire omu yamugamba nti enjaga gye yanywanga ye yamuyamba okuzannya omupiira n'asobola okusukkuluma ku banne.

Mu kumwanukula, Maradona yamugamba nti, "Nsabe FIFA, etukkirize tufuneyo omuzannyi omu bamuwe enjaga akole ebyo bye nakolanga ku kisaawe bwe muba mulowooza nti nasambisanga njaga."

Buli eyali mu lukiiko olwo yatulika n'aseka. Mu kiseera ekyo, bangi baali bakimuteekako nti tekyali kitone kye, wabula yali njaga.

Maradona Coach

Kino Maradona yakiwakanyanga wadde nga yakkirizanga nti yanywanga enjaga. Maradona ayinza okuba ye muzannyi ekyasinze okuba ow'omutawaana mu nsi eno. Wadde nga waliwo okukubangana empawa ku ye n'Omubrazil Pele ani asinga, okwo kwe bagatta Cristiano Ronaldo ne Lionel Messi kyokka bangi bakkiriza nti ekitone kya Maradona tekiriddamu kulabwako.

Ku ssaawa nga 6:00 ez'omu ttuntu ku Lwokusatu mu Argentina, Maradona yafulumye ekisenge kye n'atuulako mu ddiiro kyokka yabadde tannawezaawo ddakiika 10 n'ategeeza mutabani we (omwana wa mwannyina) gw'abadde abeera naye nti ‘Me siento mal' ekivvunulwa nti, ‘I feel sick' mu Lungereza oba nti mpulira ndi mulwadde.

Mu kiseera ekyo, Maradona yazzeeyo mu kisenge era wayise essaawa nga 3 omukozi n'agenda alongoose mu kisenge kye yagenze okukwata ku Maradona nga yafudde dda.

Yapakuse n'akuba essimu era mu ddakiika ezitaaweze 10 ambyulensi 9 zaabadde zimaze okuyingirawo olwo abasawo ne bagezaako okukola kyonna ekisoboka okulaba nga bamuzza engulu okutuusa bwe baategeezezza nti afudde.

Emiranga gyatandikiddewo, ambyulensi zaamuvuze okumwongerayo mu ddwaaliro era ekyaddiridde ye Pulezidenti wa Argentina okulangirira nti omwagalwa w'abangi Diego Maradona afudde era n'alangirira ennaku 3 ez'okukungubaga.

"Wafuula eggwanga lyaffe nnamba emu. Watuwa essanyu eritagambika. Ggwe obadde asinga mu bonna era teri alikuvuganya. Weebale kubeera ku nsi kuno, Diego. Tugenda kukusubwa lubeerera," bwe bubaka pulezidenti wa Argentina, Alberto Fernández bwe yawereekerezza omugenzi Maradona.

Maradona abadde yaakamala wiiki 2 ng'avudde mu ddwaaliro oluvannyuma lw'omusaayi okwetukuta mu bwongo.

Fantom Lovins, fiancée days away from another baby

By Julius Senyimba Former Firebase Crew singer Brighton Fantom-Lovins, and fiancée are expecting to welcome a newborn baby anytime soon. The 'Ompalula' singer shared the news via his Facebook page seemingly after a baby shower party. Fantom-Lovins took to his socials and thanked all his friends who have supported them this far. For now, we […]

Looya avuddeyo n'awagira Nabbi Omukazi okufuna obukadde 700 ku mmaali ya Yiga

Looya  avuddeyo n'awagira Nabbi Omukazi okufuna obukadde 700 ku mmaali ya Yiga

Munnamateeka Erias Luyimbazi Nalukoola avuddeyo n'awagira Magie Kayima (Nabbi Omukazi) okusaba obukadde obusoba mu 700 ku mmaali ye gw'agamba nti yali bba omugenzi  Paasita Yiga.

Nalukoola agamba nti Nabbi Omukazi yakolera TV ya Yiga eya ABS akalango ke bakyakozesa naye teyafuna wadde ekikumi.

Ayongerako nti yakolera ne TV eno pulogulaamu kw'etambulira era nazo ssente bayinza okuzisaba. 

You need a supportive partner or no partner at all, Zari

By Julius Senyimba The saying of behind every successful man, there stands a woman is true to a greater extent that is if you find the right woman. Testimonies of women leading to the collapse of successful men also sound loud in our communities. And it is in this light that socialite Zari Hassan has […]

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Police arrest Katumba, block his campaign rallies in Iganga and Jinja

Independent presidential candidate, John Katumba spent the better part of Thursday in running battles with police after being blocked from addressing his supporters in Iganga and Jinja districts.

Katumba started with a procession along Iganga Main street. However, police intercepted his vehicle and blocked him from conducting his activities. He jumped out of his vehicle and fled to the market, forcing his Electoral Commission escorts and police officers to run after him.

Police led by Kenneth Muheirwe, the Iganga district police commander (DPC) managed to arrest Katumba before escorting him out of Iganga town. At around 1:30 pm, Katumba made his maiden visit to Jinja city with stopovers in Bugembe and Mailo Mbili where he addressed dozens of his supporters.

He later drove to Jinja central business area and again jumped out of his vehicle, however, police officers led by the in-charge of the Jinja city police station, Moses Kamomo arrested Katumba and directed him to return to his vehicle. Kamomo argued that Katumba was not supposed to hold campaigns in Jinja today.

"The EC program indicates that Katumba is supposed to campaign here on Friday and we were surprised to see him campaigning here," he says.

Katumba however, claims that he was trying to book cheap hotel rooms for his entourage in Jinja city's downtown areas of Obote Way and Spire road when police officers intercepted him.

"They threw me out of Igaga town where I was supposed to hold my campaign. I came to Jinja to have something to eat because Jinja is my next destination. However, even in Jinja, the moment they saw me, you saw what happened. Me, am of a view that we can't afford this situation having encountered it. If police is one-sided then I don't know what to do because if it was another party it would be different. Even in Arua it was also a tug of war," said Katumba. 

Katumba was forced out of Jinja town through the Nile Bridge and cautioned to follow his campaign schedules.  


Omuwagizi wa NUP abuuse abaserikale ba poliisi nga yeetaasa

Omuwagizi wa NUP abuuse abaserikale ba poliisi nga yeetaasa

Bobi Wine bwe yabadde e Luuka gye buvuddeko gye baamukwatidde ne bamusibira e Nalufenya bingi ebyabaddewo. Muno mwe mwabadde abawagizi be okudduka.

Waliwo eyeewuunyisizza abantu bwe yabuuse  abaserikale ba poliisi nga yeetaasa okumukwata. Napoliisi basigadde beewuunya ono gye yatendekerwa okuyiga okubuuka n'ekinyonyi.

Owa Nup Eyabadde Atambulira Ku Mmotoka Ya Bobi Wine Ng'abuuka Okwetaasa Abapoliisi Okumukwata

Wabula waliwo n'owapoliisi eyavudde ku mmotoka n'agwa nga balondoola Bobi Wine eyabadde e Bundibugyo, Bunyangabo ne Kasese ku Lwokubiri.

Owapoliisi Eyavudde Kukabangali N'agwa.

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